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What is Human?

God is hundreds of billions of years alive.
So what is human?

Being human isn’t our idea of it. We idealize our existence from one level of consciousness without knowing God or how matter exists. Without knowing how matter exists, we have no idea of how skin or organs live. No one has known creation until now.

Resonance and algorithms make up our world. We live in an outer world that has an inner world for human consciousness to know matter, and it’s beyond what we can conceive as life. The story we carry is called the little person’s level because we base it on face-value thinking that doesn’t know other races as normal living. We don’t consider God creating us as being mixed with deeper light hundreds of billions of years alive.

Our eyes and ears see and hear only from this level of consciousness. The word created the world, and until we consciously evolve with depth, we do not idealize the bigger parts of being human. 

We come out of no-thing into something and have multiple levels of life weaved within us for living as consciousness in matter. Without matter, we wouldn’t know we existed. God is of no form and of all form and tells us our existence is the same. He created us in His likeness and gave matter as the gift for seeing our thoughts in matter. We live from everything other than Love to Love shaping Heaven on Earth. 


God is hundreds of billions of years alive and doesn’t need oxygen or facial features. He’s consciousness living as energy. 

We have hundreds of trillions and trillions of cells, and each one knows its own existence and is, by design, able to live with many others complimenting their existence, too. We have bacteria crawling all over us but don’t see it or the enormity of Heaven with us to consider more as part of human. We’re walking with bifocals on that only carry a young idea of human. 

The world of science is an adjunct to human education. It fortifies the story, but has no idea what life is. No one believed that God existed in science, and it wasn’t because of anything other than religion claiming Him. Obviously, the papacy has no relationship with God, and neither does the Rabbi. No one walking near God carries the human story. They live beyond it. 

Religion made it difficult for people to have depth in their belief in God. If someone claims to know God but only lives in their idea of God, it isn’t knowing Him. When we can live in conversation with God, we know Him. The one-sided design of living with God how we want and for what works for us is satan. Losing our lives to gain them in God through a process that changes our thought system, reality, and will towards life is the opposite of a doctrine or human precepts. 

If anyone in religion believed in God, they wouldn’t be in a religion. They would be living beyond an idealogy for depth in Christ.

The world of being human has been at the little person level without knowing God or creation. Every subject we made credible has nothing to do with human life. It’s our story, but it doesn’t speak to higher intelligence, other races, or being blended with light in God. We haven’t known creation or what being created is until now. 

We walk the earth at our level of consciousness and muster up what we can, which is usually based on face-value assumptions. Society is an illusion, but we cannot know it without hearing God.  

Every child is born into someone else’s ideas. We live placing them and have no depth to question them. We accept them, and they become our beliefs, ideologies, and reality. By the time we’re young adults, we believe we know reality. We haven’t uncovered life or questioned it. We’ve been spoon-fed everything we believe. It’s become our belief system and reality. No one can go beyond the teacher in human education or their parents for other ideas no one accepts. We only go along with what we’re taught and we accept it as real. 

The mind is a vortex of libraries that only open when we reach them. We stay at one level of reasoning and tend to live there until we leave the body. No one can see illusory because the mind is the very tool used to make it. We cannot exist in two worlds at one time to see it until we hear God. The ideologies of mainstream come and go, and the idea of human will, too.  

We’re swimming in ego and lower mind with grand ideas of self as ” a somebody” in the world. The idea of self is a temporal one at this level of consciousness. Self doesn’t exist, but at this level of consciousness, we do not think it. We have no living in Spirit or the invisible world and only want what is tangible through our senses. We haven’t lived knowing creation or what that entails. The idea of an algorithm living as light in God isn’t in our thoughts. Consciousness is all that is alive. 

No one idealized God as anything but an old white man with a long white beard in the sky. We idealized Angels as human beings with wings. We don’t live deep and carry shallow ideas. God is hundreds of billions of years live and is of no form and of all form. He doesn’t have facial features or a body and doesn’t need oxygen or a tongue to speak. He is consciousness living as resonance and is the only idea in life. We are an idea in the mind of God, and everything we think of as life is an idea in our mind. Consciousness is far beyond our purpose. 

We haven’t begun to know life as light and have only carried a three-dimensional theory. We’re not grasping algorithms, consciousness, or light. Consciousness is at cause, and matter is the effect. The word created the world. 

The idea of self is a transitory idea at the matter level; it doesn’t exist. We are not our thoughts. Thought is created lighted. When God created human consciousness, He placed the word for the world to exist. We’ve been building within it ever since. Every library has its story, and every story has a way out of it. We live lower mind in ego, satan, and the little person, only living the devil’s level of life. We’re trying to be “a someone” to society as reality instead of losing our lives to gain them in God. 

The world is only a placeholder of ideas, giving us a way to observe consciousness in matter, make choices, and choose love. The narrator is what we know. Only our thoughts exist as life, and only our ears and eyes know life. We live hearing what we want to hear and don’t want to hear. We interpret everything in our narrative and disguise the echo in the world. The mind won’t dictate Truth – it can’t. It will only tell us what we think is truth, but what we think is only one interpretation out of an infinite. We made it our interpretation, and so it is. 

We’re a blend of light, carrying more intelligence than just the idea of “self.” This body is a temporal vessel, and it lasts only eighty or hundred years, and then we change form. Being created told gave us a way to know that the idea of matter was temporal. Consciousness is continuous while the body fades. 

God and Heaven have no bodies and yet live. They are in another light that is far from our ideas of living. We don’t see light as other races, and we haven’t lived knowing God either. The false idols and religions have stolen depth, substance, and maturity from God. 

The human idea is only existing because we don’t carry that depth or see bacteria crawling all over us. We’re not thinking about blood arriving in our veins or how the blood knew it was to be in our veins. 

The enormity of living in a world that has so much life beyond our doing is mesmerizing us for ignorance. The idea is that so much works in one place, with hundreds of trillions of elements coming together using the same hydrogen to live is other races. 

Listen to Heaven

We’re consciousness living in a blend of light. An Angel says, “You’re an Angel.”

Other Races 

No one is able to see something outside of their knowing and not knowing. We stand in a reality of ideas placed in childhood, and they become bigger ideas as we become adults. We’re not idealizing God nor are we idealizing why we are on a planet in space. The depth we carry is sci-fi and not real. We need more substance to break away from mainstream idealizing. The mind won’t run wild in the universe as long as it stays in mainstream ideas, created for the ego. 

When we leave the body, this world fades. This story won’t live again. We’ll continue existing through other ones, returning to form to experience a new level of consciousness in matter. We’ll have a new body, family, celestial history, and idea of self, and we’ll again shape the idea of self-based on the present level of human consciousness.  

Other races make up everything in life. Human consciousness is a tiny pin dot in the center of God’s mind. God is hundreds of billions of years alive and has shaped self-organizing energy so that human consciousness can beget its own existence in matter. We’re not alone and never will be. There is a plethora of life blended into our ideas for having them live in human photosynthesis. 

We won’t abandon the human idea because we learn more about God’s existence and creation, but we will begin thinking about that walk. Nothing in this world begins to peel back the layers until we change. That’s the point. Only our perspective exists, and only our narrator can change ideas from one to another. Consciously evolving to see more and know more is the path.