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Who is God?

In the very beginning, light was all there was, and consciousness was beginning to know Love. Destiny is the malignant energy God had osmosis with. God is the only power to give life its own light. Nothing can ever exist if not in God’s light. Everything in existence is a variance in His light. Destiny rests in God.

Resonance is the only reason anyone is able to live in matter. Matter is the gift God gave humanity. God is hundreds of billions of years alive. He is consciousness living as resonance. God created us in His likeness, and we are conscious energy. The body is the suit of clothes we put on and take off in every life. Consciousness is all that is alive. We’re changing form to experience different levels of consciousness in matter, acquiring depth in God.

There has never been a time when light did not exist; it is the beginning of all life. As resonance became conscious, life began to have a process to always live. God placed the word for consciousness to exist. The word created the world and all that would be. We’re an idea in the mind of God, and everything we think  is an idea in our mind.

God places energy for knowing itself at different levels for self-organizing energy to carry human photosynthesis. Human photosynthesis is hundreds of trillions and trillions and trillions of self-organizing energy in temperature, carrying light for matter. Conscious Energy, a race of Heaven, is the mass, force, velocity, levity, and temperature in all matter. They are the fabric of the world for human consciousness to exist in matter. 

God is keeping measure of the atom for human consciousness to assign the atom’s purpose and the livingness of the particle. He created life so that one level of consciousness would know the world. Human living is only in consciousness. Only the observer is in the light. Everything in life is in the observer’s light. I am the light all life is in. I am the Love all life lives through. 

Knowing God

Understanding God comes from being able to hear His voice. Until that happens, we are influenced by the lower mind, with ego and satan designing our idea of God. It’s only when we hear God’s voice that we truly know Him. Until then, we live in our narrative with self-chatter, shaping ideas of self and society as reality. We don’t know Spirit or Heaven on Earth.  No one can design what it is to live with God, fulfill it, and believe it is so.  Throughout history, very few people have lived with God teaching about Himself.

The walk is not in the mind; it’s in the Soul. The mind places a temporal story and satisfies the idea of self. Living to God is the journey to Love and is beyond the body and matter identification. The eternal landscape of life is ours. Spirit and Love are greater than the mind and body.