Knowing God won’t come from a religion. It’s a depth in the Soul awakening to light. God is outside of our ideas of Him. His light is more profound in our hearts than we are aware of.
We filter the world from one level of consciousness and shape our ideas only from our narrative. The narrative is the little person’s level, living by matter identification toward Spirit identification. We’re filtering our eyes and ears by living in lower earthly energy with self-identity in matter. Religion has never known God but has always, since the beginning, pretended to be with Him.
The light of God isn’t based on a temporal world’s ideas of Him. Nor do we dance for God. The individual is created to know Him by another means in this world. We don’t read something or study laws and believe we know God. That’s satan’s idea. Satan is everything religion is and more. It is the lower mind’s idea – pretending to know God because we want to know Him. Nothing in the mind is going to get near God. The mind is the tool of the matter until we hear God’s voice. After, it’s the idea of light.
The mind is living through lower levels with incessant thinking and beliefs taught to us. It hasn’t unraveled the dark for light or moved into deeper territory. It’s at face value thinking trying to make “a somebody” be something to society’s ideas. We haven’t awakened because we graduated from a university. The university deepens the asleep. It won’t give anything outside of what is tangible and through our senses. It sits to have mainstream acceptance. It is the mind of matter that never places light with God.
Hear God's Voice
- God "Follow" Healing with His Voice (1st Recording)
- God - Love 9-3-2024 Looped 3x's
- God - You're Not Praying for Love 9-2-2024 Looped 3x's
- God Saying "Balloon" I started filming something in the sky when He said it. Looped 4x's
- God Healing Me said "Follow" Angels said, " He Loves you Happy Happy Happy." Looped 3x's
- God Taught There is no death and said, "Don't You Fear Death For it Will follow You." Looped 4x's
- God Teaching What being Alive Is "Quit thinking You're a Body." Looped 4x's
- God Teaching "Give to Cat." "Give" is said first then seconds later "to Cat." Looped 3x's
- God "Do You Love Me?" Looped 3x's.
(The conversations with God live deeper than the soundbite being given. I can hear Him, and the recordings are pieces that give humanity the way to know Him.)
We walk for churches and idolization. We haven’t begun awakening the Soul and a much bigger climb. The idea of walking across the street and claiming Jesus Christ as our Savior is the satan of religion, believing the mind conquers satan simply by wanting to. The pope is a false idol, not having eyes that see or ears that hear. He walked to the devil’s level of life instead of losing his life to gain it in God. Satan isn’t going to detour us when we walk with ego. We’re not seeing the light when we only build in the dark. Satan has millions of tiny snakes in our thinking, detouring us from common sense.
Consciousness is all that is alive, and living through our thoughts is all that exists. Where we place them and how we see them is through levels of light. We acquire deeper levels withe substance and depth.
The more we define self-identification in matter, the further away from Spirit we go. We’re not walking out of our skin for God like we should. We’re trying to define Him based on mainstream ideas and religion. We need a deeper calling in our Soul to leave satan.
The world of matter doesn’t exist, but the world of thought does. Matter is temporal, and consciousness is continuous.
In the Beginning
In the beginning, God knew all things. Living light was all there was, and consciousness in other levels of light was beginning to know His Love. Destiny is the energy God made osmosis through. He is the only light life is in. Nothing can exist outside of God. Everything in existence is a variance in Him. Destiny rests in God.
Life began with human photosynthesis, which God created for eternal living. Everything in existence exudes a particular level of osmosis. It’s not an actual fractal but moves with one thought carried into another, writing nonstop the next motion, as one idea makes another, and so on. Each knowing is part of the whole.
God placed energy for knowing itself at different levels for self-organizing energy to carry human photosynthesis. Human photosynthesis is hundreds of trillions and trillions and trillions of self-organizing energy in temperature, making light for matter. Conscious Energy, the race of Heaven, and is the mass, force, velocity, levity, and temperature in all matter. Conscious Energy is the fabric of the world.
The temporal knowing of our existence is the present level of consciousness in matter. It’s one knowing out of an infinite. Human consciousness sits at a level, and the individual level of consciousness is the light of all things. We’re an idea in the mind of God, and everything we bring into being is an idea in our mind. We stand in two worlds, knowing one.
God is hundreds of billions of years alive, living in another light. He is consciousness living as resonance. When God created human consciousness, He used His light to place it. We’re a living variance of His light. God executed more energy within His light to shape our existence for knowing matter. Matter is the gift God gave to consciousness. We’re not at His level with formless existence.
God made the Heavens. Heaven on Earth and Heaven are formless giving us living in matter and living out of the body. The mansions we have in Heaven are through our depth in God. Heaven is hundreds of trillions and trillions of layers of life we don’t see within multiplying light to carry us. It’s other races from living in other levels of consciousness.
Angels, Celestial Light, Conscious Energy, Spark beings, and other races quantumly exist in mass beyond human consciousness. Spark beings walk in the light of form, and all races of Heaven can take form.
God created us in His likeness; we are not our thoughts or the idea in the mirror. We are Spirit like God and able to move in matter like Him. We are not the body; we are the conscious energy inside of the body. The body is the temporal suit of clothes we put on and take off in every life. We’re living for eternity and will house many bodies and ideas of family and life.
Spirit is our living. The Soul is always Heaven, and the Soul gives the Spirit the way to live in matter. The Spirit is a formless gathering of depth in our Soul. It’s carrying light for thought to live through. The Soul is consciousness and is Love.
Self is the temporal idea we put on like a costume. We dress self-identity in matter for feeling like we are “a someone” in the world who is good. We don’t know God as our mother, father, brother, or sister. We grow up creating the idea of self-based on how we perceive someone viewing us. Nothing from birth onward is true to living with God. The world is our narrative, and our ideas are illusory but live very real. Satan is the lower-minded worker who places our ideas as real. Only when we hear God’s voice and begin the journey from the many to the one do we leave satan.
There has never been a time when God did not exist; it is the beginning of all things. God placed the word for consciousness to know itself. The word created the world and all that would be. Matter is a nothingness only existing in consciousness.
God is keeping measure of the atom for human consciousness to assign the atom’s purpose and the livingness of the particle. He created life so that one level of consciousness would know itself and evolve.
Human living is only in consciousness. Only the observer is in the light. Everything in life is in the observer’s light. I am the light all life is in. I am the Love all life lives through.
Understanding His Light
Understanding God comes from depth. We can only experience Him from our level of thinking. God places light within our light to help us know Him. Sometimes, He moves deeper than we know.
We’ve been moving to the lower mind idea, with ego and satan designing the idea of God. We live in self-chatter, until we hear God’s voice. We’re working towards Love for awakening.
The walk is not in the mind; it’s in the Soul. The mind places a temporal story and satisfies the idea of self. The Soul is pining for another light. It moves us out of life into another realm with God. The journey to Love is beyond the body and matter identification. The eternal landscape of life is Heaven. Spirit and Love are greater than the mind and body.