The Key to Life
What we’re walking towards isn’t at matters level it’s with God and leaves the world for light. It’s not in family traditions, churches, or memorizing laws. The Soul is our depth in God and is the only path for knowing Him. The mind carries self-chatter with stories, placing self-identity in matter. The Soul walks beyond this world, unraveling the mind to Love.
Abraham grew up in a Sumerian culture. The light to know Abraham from is only with God. No one today is carrying a torch with Abraham. We don’t walk what he did thousands of years ago with God. God gave Abraham his story, which isn’t ours, no matter how hard we fight for it. Every human being will live their own unique story with God, and it doesn’t carry what anyone else has lived. Our divine light was meant for us, and only we can walk it. What is here being called reality is only the storyboard giving ideas for moving through.
God’s existence is enormous and far beyond the idea of life we have. God doesn’t need any human being to conquer land or convert someone to a religion. The little person’s level trying to believe they fight for God is the devil only walking in satan. God is with every human being, whether they believe in Him or not.
Every individual is on a unique path to God, walking through the story of that time. The story is made up of many levels that have traveled further than we know in human light. Going back to Adam and Eve and the ideas that could be carried, we continued to walk through the story of illusions instead of awakening to God.Â
Knowing that God exists and having religion on Earth are two opposites. God exists, and that makes religion fool gold. The meek inherit the world because they surrender deeper to God than the bishop, rabbi, or imam do.Â
God is choosing and knowing us
to know Him.
God doesn’t look for the most devout person or even someone who knows He exists. He’s not walking according to the human story or our idea of Him. The depth we carry is where we stand with God. If we need to brandish outerwear and buildings claiming God, we haven’t done His work. We’re self-emptying everything we are for God–not building Him for worshipping in matter. The walk is deeper, and no one can see our Truth unless He shows the world.Â
Very few people in the history of the human race have lived with God teaching about Himself. Even though every religion claims Him, no one can hear Him, nor do they carry any word by Him. They carry what someone else lived with God. Not one person in religion has made the walk themselves. If they had, they would be living from the many to the one instead of in a mainstream conceptualizing idea of God.Â
Every human being who has lived with God teaching about Himself has provided depth. They don’t study scripture nor live for an institution’s idea of God because they hear God. We live to walk outside of everything we’ve been taught since childhood to know God. We’re not here for family traditions or community. We are here to know depth and substance.
The mind constantly veers towards what is easier. We want community acceptance and believe the idea of self is loved and good. No one wants to live ostracized or outside of the norm. We find that one reason for living in what is logical, practical, and reasonable. We defer to ego repeatedly to be accepted by others. The walk with God is the opposite. Only God breaks the mind for knowing Him. No human being can do it alone.
We don’t dance for God or claim Him by living in our designs and then believing we know Him because we did it. God created the universe, but we’re cheaply believing we can snap our fingers and dance however we want, and He jumps. It’s been Godless for over two thousand years since the highest levels of Judaism crucified God’s Son.
The consequence from the highest levels of religion killing God’s Son has been severe. The human mind is in darker earthly energy, swimming with snakes without a boat to leave. We carry popes, bishops, cardinals, rabbis, and imams pretending to know God. We are the children who literally ripped themselves out of God’s arms to play in costumes instead of losing our lives to gain them in God. Â
The hierarchy in religion isn’t above anyone. It’s digging lower than everyone. We don’t get closer to God by robing ourselves as “a someone” with Him. That’s the opposite. We want to walk deeper than anything in this world to carry Him. If we only walk what the world delivers, we stay in lower mind, not having the depth to know Him at our true level of existence.Â
The world doesn’t open up for anyone who calls it – it’s hearing another song deeper in the Soul. The hierarchy in religion is blasphemous because it doesn’t know God and yet has branding and marketing like it does. Reciting something from thousands of years ago has nothing to do with God. Carrying around a bible that many people compiled over a thousand years with agendas and purposes for an idealogy to carry faith and power is not God’s work.Â
God’s work is the individual carrying a deeper idea that carries them outside of everything here. The spark that becomes the enigma isn’t seen. Its job is to place another path to walk. Once it has laid the path, the Soul begins to ascend into more possibilities of acquiring depth and substance. We won’t know it until it reaches us, but the light is always there.
We’re seeing the world outside us instead of keeping God above all things, knowing the world is only living through us. Once we make the body self, we lose light. As we leave middle school and head into high school, we are finding the adult costume to wear.Â
The human idea of self is placed because we do not hear God or live as John the Baptist did with God raising Him. We’re being raised in lower mind for only knowing the illusion. The illusion is very real, and not detected. No one questions going to middle school and no one questions who family and friends are. We don’t think about God as our mother, father, brother, and sister. Nor do we know creation or what Spirit is. The mind isn’t trying to find out, either. We’re in school and being taught the story instead of reality, but we’ll graduate making the story reality and God the fairytale.Â
No one questions mainstream living, and no one really understands God. We guess and improvise through interpretations. When the pope began, it wasn’t for God. It was for a bishop called Siricius to have more control over other bishops and for power under the Roman Empire. he was someone who pushed an idea about a pope deeper.Â
tangible and living through our senses. We have no depth for Spirit or the Soul. We haven’t lived with God raising us like John the Baptist. The human idea of a human is young, tired, and without depth. We’re incapable of leaving the tiny reality of knowing we have placed. No one is living conscious of God, and we carry satan as everything.Â
The day we hear God’s voice is the first time in our lives we leave self-chatter to hear another light. Until that day, human beings only live in their narrative, hearing what we want to hear and hearing what we don’t want to hear. The mind won’t carry light until we leave matters level for it. Knowing Spirit was the way to stay out of self-identity in matter. Keeping God above all things was for light, but we failed to do it and instead have made ideologies above all things. If we believe we are Christian or Jewish, we don’t keep God above all things. The eternal light of our existence is the only one we must carry. Knowing Spirit over who we see in the mirror is right-minded.Â
The body is in the temporal story, but the mind must stay in the eternal one with God. God gave us a way to know deeper ideas, but we placate mainstream acceptance and carry lower ones instead. When we break bread with light, we know the religious level is the little person’s idea. Moses, Abraham, and every Apostle lived with God, teaching about Himself. The pope hasn’t, nor has the preacher, imam rabbi, bishop, or cardinal. We are the little person level in satan, living our ideas in an accepted world. The day we meet God, we only live His will, and everything in our lives gets ripped apart.Â
No one lives what they want with God, and no one lives how they want with Him, either. He’s not catering to our ideas of life and has a much bigger world for us to walk.We won’t live the idea of self or the world’s purpose. We walk in another light with Heaven. Every human being is alone with God.Â
God created us uniquely to know Him and gives us the entire world at our level of consciousness. Everything we see is in our light and only exists in our narrative. There is only one of us here with God in an elaborate story with very real elements. Our world made every human being exist outside of us, and we believe they are separate from us. We’re not gathering depth for God of no form and of all form.Â
God created us in His likeness. God is consciousness living as resonance. He shaped human consciousness from variances in His light. We are not the body; we are the conscious energy inside of the body. The body is like a suit of clothes we put on and take off in every life. It’s the temporal world’s vessel and nothing more. Everything in this body fades when we leave the body. The worldly idea of humans doesn’t live with depth. It’s a child’s idea with face-value assumptions.Â
The vessels in our body knew they would carry blood, and blood appeared, and it knew it was for our veins. Out of no-thing we were a blob of plasma having fingernails, personality, unique characteristics, and motors for blinking eyes. If we saw all of the bacteria crawling all over our bodies, we would have another perspective of being human. The mind doesn’t equate God living hundreds of billions of years alive as the creator. He doesn’t live like we do or even exist remotely close to what we do.
God doesn’t have facial features or a body and can move is all things. God is keeping measure of every atom while human consciousness assigns the atom’s purpose and the livingness of the particle. God doesn’t need oxygen and can live in the most hostile of environments. He can speak out of thin air without a tongue. The world of resonance isn’t ours only because the mind won’t carry it.
The word created the world gave us consciousness living as all things. Consciousness is all that is alive. Matter is a nothingness only existing in consciousness. Nothing in matter knows eternity. The mind is part of the temporal story. We live the body in matter to experience one level of consciousness out of an infinite. Â
Back then, the idea of polytheistic thinking was normal. His son Isaac had Jacob and Esau, and Jacobs’s twelve boys, including Joseph, did not exist as Hebrews as we know it today. Placing self-identity for lineage to Moses misguided Judaism to satan. Instead of claiming our own existence with God, we claim one to a human being who lived thousands of years ago with God. The storyteller has to live, and the scriber has to write purposefully for the seeker’s agenda.Â
We’re not living like Abraham or Moses, but we try to replicate what they lived with God. It sits in satan. No one will cross the bridge to God, leaving one thought system for another while only proclaiming self-identity in matter. If we have to be Jewish, Muslim, or Christian, we have to live matters level. We’ll keep the body as self and never self-empty satan. No one can cross the bridge for more depth in God, that has to attack and defend where they presently stand. We’re not trying to acquire substance or depth with God. We are living for shallow ideas and perspectives that give instant gratification.Â
Muhammed, Moses, and Abraham walked decades in another light. They didn’t live according to the world’s ideas of God; they walked beyond them. When nationalism exists, it’s the military placing of God. Nothing we live in today is how it was back then. Human consciousness is in another light and reality. We are cheapening our existence by trying to religiously claim a God no one hears or knows. We’re relying on interpretations from people that lived thousands of years ago. Each one had their own experience with ideas at their level of thinking, beliefs, and ideologies. They carried a purpose in their hearts for their reasonings.Â
Maimonides, Rashi, Josephus, and Philo never lived with God. They lived society as reality in a lower mind, just like Aabdu Malik, who was someone who carried the torch for Islam to emerge. Other people carry their ideas but miss why God exists. God isn’t living for us to know Muhammed, Moses or Abraham. God’s living for us to know Him.Â
God gave His light in matter for teaching humanity more about His existence. But we couldn’t grasp it. And instead of knowing Jesus as the Messiah, we crucified Him. No one understood God of no form and of all form, even with Peter Simon. Peter Simon was an Apostle who, in the early days, knew Jesus was the Messiah. Jesus saw that Peter Simon knew He was the Messiah, and it wasn’t of flesh and blood. He saw that God would move in a mere human being for carrying depth that would give eyes for seeing.Â
The Pharisees and the high priest were forever seeing and not seeing and always listening but not hearing. Peter Simon had more light from God to know Christ. The Holy Spirit with us is depth within our magnitude of God. We won’t carry more depth with God if we place self-identity in matter. We dismiss the Holy Ghost for titles, positions, clothing, accessories, and placing matters level over Spirit.Â
Jerusalem has been made to be Holy because no one can hear God’s voice or live with Him. Instead, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism make Jerusalem something for a sign of God. No one exercises common sense when it comes to God. We’re letting satan rule, and it’s feeding the ego of worshippers and false idols. Anyone hearing God will live anywhere on earth and know it as Holy. A piece of geography isn’t Holy, and nor is any artifact or matter’s level. The Soul’s light in God is.Â
The temple can be destroyed, the land broken into pieces, and every artifact erased. No one can harm another human being’s Soul; we only harm our own. Our light in God is the temple of our existence and is the only depth we carry for knowing Him. If we disperse it by claiming matters level and placing our ideas in matter for His existence, we lose. Knowing God of no form and of all form gave us secret keys. Knowing Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and consciousness places another world with us. The invisible world is living more than the world of matter.Â
The mind only wants what is tangible, but the heart knows what isn’t. We’re making institutionalized ideas that have been notoriously working for war machines our road to God. The path of the heart has always been the human way of knowing depth. Jesus carried all of humanity to know Love and carry the door to God. We haven’t reached any enlightened states of living because Buddha, Muhammed, Krishna, Moses, Abraham, Confucious, or Moses lived acquiring depth in God. We’re the opposite.
We’re still a darkened-hearted, greedy species making money, a second God, and false idols out of powerful institutions. No nation on earth adheres to the Ten Commandments, but Judaism wants to learn 613 mitzvots. The highest levels of religion killed God’s Son and didn’t know the massive consequences.Â
Personal knowing of God is rare, while false idols are plentiful. War is synonymous with religion, and the individual knowing God is God’s. Mainstream ideas will not carry God or come close to Him. The individual is the only one who can go beyond mainstream ideas to God. Consciously evolving from matter identification to Spirit depth is our walk. Nothing this world touts as knowing God can hear Him. We don’t dance for God. He chooses us.Â
Living with God is history-making and not a cookie-cutter idea.Â
Joseph, who grew up with twelve brothers who gave him up to Egyptian slavery, never knew a religious idea of God. He knew only that God was with Him. He went into slavery and then into prison, where he had the gift of dream telling. Joseph rose in Egyptian ranks to the Pharaoh’s right-hand man, where He saved every Egyptian and then His brothers.Â
Joseph married an Egyptian and lived in Egyptian culture while still living with God. The idea that religion places God is satan. God, the creator of everything in existence, places Him with us at birth. It’s not based on religion. It’s our birthright.Â
In the 14th century, the Pharoah Ahkenaten tore away from a polytheistic culture to know God. Moses was also polytheistic. The idea of someone having favor because they dance for God is null. Religions dance for power and favor, while the lonely individual pines away for depth. Ahkenaten went against Egyptian culture to know God.
If any religion was living to know God, it would have done so already. We don’t have anyone in any religion capable of living with God in conversation, nor does anyone in religion know creation. There hasn’t ever been any religious endeavor knowing God. Only individuals have known God while religions shaped themselves around other people’s stories.
We’re not hearing God or knowing Him. We’re living ideas of God.
God’s existence isn’t for the world. It’s for the individual in God. The world’s idea of God will always be the devil’s level in satan because the thought system that lives with society as reality and the body as self is in from lower earthly energy. The one with God knows light.Â
Judaism made itself different from everything in life because God freed the Israelites from bondage. The idea that it remains as something is satan. Every human being is living to know God, and everything will always supersede Moses, Christianity, the Talmud, and all religious ideas of God.Â
Today, we know creation. Moses and Abraham didn’t know creation. God is a living God who is giving to every generation if we call it. When we don’t, it is godless. When the Israelites were enslaved for over 400 years, it was godless. It’s been godless for over two thousand years since religion killed God’s Son and shaped itself into something.Â
The mind of the Israelites isn’t more special because Moses lived in a story with God. The mind isn’t more special because someone calls themselves a pope. We’re not ready for God at this level of consciousness.Â
During the Mesopotamian eras, we lived more for God than we do now. Now, we only try to satisfy the institution’s idea of God instead of yearning to know Him. There is no patriarchal light with God, and there won’t be because when we leave the body, the idea of history and this life fades. This is a story that completes itself, and it’s a temporal one.Â
God isn’t going quiet because Moses lived or the Talmud was created by the rabbi’s midrash. God isn’t going quiet because a pope exists or four thousand religions do. He’s not living for anything but the individual with Him. God has been quiet, and it is because He let religion become its own teacher.Â
There’s a much deeper walk with God, but we never take it because we master practices and protocols instead of trusting He knows us better than we know ourselves. The world by design is the way for depth. When we create and live inside our designs, we deflect the miracle.Â
Monotheistic Ideas
The Pharoah Akhenaten went from a deeply rooted polytheistic culture to claiming Aten as God. He had nothing to carry for this, but he also was rivaling the cult of Amun, the high priest of that time. During the reign of King Ahab and Jezebel, the Israelites strayed from God and worshipped their god, Baal. Prophet Elijah stood with God instead of living as everyone else with multiple gods. He, like Akhenaten, went against the high priest of that time. Religion hasn’t lived with favor from God. It’s the opposite.Â
During the Pharaohs’ and Egyptian growth, there were thousands of gods. Moses grew up in Egyptian culture worshipping many gods. He had no idea there was one God. We don’t live hearing God like Moses or Abraham. We’re not carrying another level anymore. Humanity lives in a lower mind, only in darker earthly energy. We’ve been shaping our ideas of God in religions, not treating God like He exists. If we had deeper faith, we would walk to God and not a pope.Â
Returning to Prophet Samuel and King Saul, our world has been chipping away at our cloth with God. We’re always making false idols instead of depth. We want Jerusalem to be Holy instead of knowing God’s voice. We’re the little person level making matter, and anything in matter live as knowing God while the Soul is depleted and smaller than a fly with Him. We don’t care about what happens psychologically when we make costumes a favor to God. Or preach like we know Him when we don’t hear Him.Â
The consequence from two thousand years ago when the highest levels of religion crucified God’s Son was our own making. We created religions how we wanted and pretended to have power with God. We have always walked a charlatan’s hope instead of doing like Moses, living our lives and letting God see the Soul’s Truth. Moses committed murder, but God saw more, and God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. He taught Moses depth. We’re cheating our own existence with God for some quick-fix contentions in religions. No one is going to be a bishop and know God. The idea of breaking bread with Christ while making a costume appear to know Him is the opposite of knowing Him.Â
We lose our lives to gain them in God, and that means letting go of self-identity in matter. The bishop claims matter and tries to be “a somebody” instead of living deeper in Christ. We don’t become something at matters level and dive deeper with God. When Jesus called the Apostles to Him, most of them were uneducated fishermen. They left one reality ofr another and only knew God’s voice as life. We don’t have two masters. If we choose religion, we stay in satan and the devil’s level. When we choose God, we live in His curriculum, surrendering everything in this life to Him. Keeping God above all things means everything, and that includes ideologies like religion.Â
The thought system won’t change or move toward light as long as we shape our identity, in matter, living the body as self and society as reality. Society as reality is a weird concept, considering God exists. We have more races than human with us. The world of Heaven is filled with different levels of life. We’re satan’s children pretending to know the creator of everything in existence while standing in costumes assigning our own titles and positions as decrees in God.Â
Religion wasn’t blessed. It murdered people to be something and defied God, only making emperors and Kings proud. The idealogy of someone committing murder for light is the devil. Yet, Christianity killed left and right, trying to keep scripture from common people’s hands. Its beginnings and development are laced with blood. It hasn’t earned eyes to see with and won’t. The blindfold is permanent and not being removed. Christianity made itself into something at the expense of Christ walking the earth. Jesus didn’t relinquish the sins of every human being; He gave the way to do it. We’re a cheap family trying to buy our way with God when the Souls work must be done.Â
We’re living in one world to walk into another with God. We don’t plan it, design it, or own it because we love Him and want to be with Him. We’re living for eternity, going deeper into God at every level of consciousness. This life is for depth and substance. We acquire depth and substance by Love. Christ is our light in God. We don’t satisfy any criteria until something deeper in us sparks. We can be religiously devoted human beings constantly going on pilgrimages, and our thought system will stay at the matters level.Â
The mind isn’t going to change because we pray or Love God. The world is living in incessant thinking, jumping from one thought to the next. We carry satan, ego, and the little person as us. The mind is a dream state, and we’re constantly living in the past and future. Human beings rarely know the present moment because the story-telling mind is constantly talking about what we need to do tomorrow or what was lived yesterday that people saw us do. We don’t know the space of God. We know the space of satan with self-chatter narrating everything.Â
We’re trying to please a mainstream idea instead of losing our lives to gain them in God. The Key to Life is depth out of Love. We’re not going to change perspectives or ideologies out of matters level. A deeper light within needs to spark us into thinking differently. The depth is not acquired because we attend college, study scripture, or live as theologians. It’s acquired from organic raw living through trials and tribulation. It’s the mess that somehow knew order. The mind has to be sidestepped for depth. The ideas we’ve been living as depth are satans wish.Â
We’re not going to please our parents with a religion or community and know God. The walk is out of the many to the one knowing God as our Mother, Father, Brother, and Sister. Reality and every idea of life is changed out of one world to know another. Living with God is knowing Angels, Celestial Light, Conscious Energy, Spark Beings, and other races of Heaven. It’s a world in another light that we don’t see or know until we do.Â
Moses growing up in Egyptian culture worshipping many gods and had no idea who was at the burning bush. When God came into Moses’ life, Moses then became monotheistic. When God was in Pharoah Ahkenaten’s life, he too then became monotheistic, as did his mom, Queen Tiye.Â
Our culture, nationalism, and family ideas are the placed stories we carry as real, but they are illusions. They are placeholders for developing senses and trials for depth. There is only one of us here, with God living from the many to one, but we have no way to conceive it. As we walk deeper, we learn everything in this life is an echo traveling as energy within our Soul for consciously evolving deeper in God. The oneness in life is very real in higher consciousness. We see how malleable life is and why Jesus said the faith of a mustard seed could move mountains.Â
Living outside of what everyone else does takes strength and courage, especially when everyone denies it and makes it wrong. We don’t carry the rose garden with God; we dodge thorns, becoming the rose. The world of matter makes everything live outside of us. As we consciously evolve, we know the world is only living through us. Consciousness is all that is alive. Matter is a nothingness only existing in consciousness. God of no form and of all form told us this.Â
God is hundreds of billions of years alive. He is consciousness living as a resonance. Everything in existence is a variance of His light. We’re an idea in the mind of God, and everything we know as life is an idea in our mind. Consciousness is the only existence for matter. In 1AD, no one knew that airplanes would fly or cars would exist. They had no idea microwaves would cook food or that we lived on a planet in space.Â
The world we walk through today didn’t exist in 1 AD. This world is temporal and only exists for this level of consciousness. Consciousness completes itself with a celestial history, present, and future. When we leave the body, everything we know of as life fades. This is a story existing at one level of consciousness out of an infinite level of consciousness. We won’t drive a car off the cliff into a new reality because we want to. The making of our car is not our own idea. We surrender to God for living what He created.Â
Judaism was lost two thousand years ago and did wrong by God. No one is going to carry a covenant with God. The only reason Judaism struggles today is because of what is carrying it. We won’t make the world believe we know God, nor will we carry God when we do it. The individual is with God. Ideologies and every culture and heritage idea is satan. Catering to matter is catering to the devil. Losing our lives to gain them in God is not shaping nationalism or lifestyles to display we are with God. We’re placing self-identity at matters level instead of knowing Spirit, and the lower we go, the more we create in the matter. Judiam created kosher food, ambulances, hospitals, and everything it could think of to be different from society.Â
The diaspora took place in 70 CE after the Second Temple fell. Israelites went to Babylonia and were dispersed to other places. Sages and teachers tried to find unity and ways to carry God in matter. We’ve been compiling what we want as scripture. Philo, Rashi, and Mamodies never knew God. They didn’t hear God’s voice and only lived the body as self and society as reality. Every midrash to compile the Hebrew Bible was carried by rabbis who had no clue who God was or how to know Him. We dismiss the highest levels of religion killing God’s Son, but God didn’t dismiss it.Â
The dispersal of Israelites to other places could have been heavenly, but no one could see it, and no one knew God. Everyone wanted God to live as they needed instead of surrendering to Him for what He knew they needed. Rabbis created every little detail of what an Israelite should live like instead of trusting God. As Christianity and Islam emerged, Judaism became more severe and different. It wanted to separate its existence with God over every religion. This was a mistake.Â
Human beings don’t design what they want as knowing God and fulfill it and then believe they know Him.Â
God created every human being, and no one is special, and everyone is special. He’s not picking one flower over another or placing one tree as taller and better than another. He created everyone equally in Him to know Him. Our path is our own, and we walk in free will, bringing into being what we can think. The light isn’t there because we damaged it long ago with lower mind ideas of living to God.Â
Society is the shadow we never see, and making the body self is the devil, placing ego very happy while we waste away in darker earthly energy. Living a family idea of God never leaves its place in satan.Â
Judaism marks every Isareil-born child as Jewish. God didn’t do that; He never made a Muslim or a Christian. Human ideas did. God gave us the way to know the Spirit. Spirit doesn’t carry matter identification. It’s knowing light over self, carrying the eternal existence over the temporal story. If religion was to know God, it would have already done so. Nobody is getting near God while proclaiming the devil’s level in satan.Â
Surrendering to God is knowing He created everything in existence so that we can know Him. If we make a small village and place it with our idea of God, we make a comfort zone we never leave. We’ll build inside our walls instead of losing our lives to gain them in God. The mind wants comfort and not to feel vulnerable or lost. But the way to God is lost. We don’t find details in living with God. We find messes that don’t look like anything anyone would know as His, but they are.
Our idea of God was given in childhood. We didn’t live like John the Baptist with God raising us. We won’t know God until we leave it all. As long as we satisfy satan, we’ll live in family traditions with society as reality instead of learning to know God’s voice. The ideologies place satan and the lower mind. The self-emptying and deeper inquisitions begin to place light.Â
Everything in this world has a way to God. We don’t want to shape family ideas as knowing God when He exists. We’re living to know God by living with Him, teaching about Himself. Everything else is satan’s ideas.Â
The key to walking deeper in God is knowing Love as every idea in life.Â