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More Than One Light in Us

God created human beings with higher intelligence. He placed Love to open the world. We only know the body as self and society as reality, but with depth, we know a bigger world with Heaven. There is more intelligence in our Souls to deepen our light in the world. 

We’ve been in lower earthly energy unaware of the higher light within us. We define ourselves by our names, job titles, hairstyles, clothing, cars, and bank accounts, mistakenly attributing our existence to matters level based on the lower mind’s perspective.

Lower mind narrates life through self-chatter with filters from lower earthly energy. It carries ego, satan, and the little person. Human consciousness is like multiple strands of light, and our ideas have a form of existence within other forms of light, which help manifest our thoughts into a greater reality. We’re living blended with other races of light. There is more than one existence with us.

We only know self by what we see in the mirror. We haven’t understood Spirit or living as a variance in God. There is an abundance of light interwoven within us, enabling our existence.

The thoughts we have at our current level of consciousness shape our identity. If we saw ourselves as spiritual beings and understood that the world is based on vibrations, our thoughts would be different. Discovering our inner light doesn’t happen by following society’s expectations. It’s through deep exploration that we find the path to Love. The world’s light has knowing beyond lower mind. Gaining depth, substance, and wisdom is crucial for understanding the larger world. The concept of another light existing within ours is not meant for those at a lower level of understanding. It belongs to a higher realm and is part of a consciousness that exists within a greater light. It allows us to tap into the vastness of creation.


We’re blended with higher intelligence for moving through matter. Consciousness is a blend of resonance in God.  

The Souls Light

While I was deeply immersed in my dhikr, repeating “I Love you, God,” I began saying it faster and faster. As I did, I felt my body tense up and my breath grow short. I sensed something extraordinary was happening, and I continued to fervently repeat, “I Love you, God.” Suddenly, a higher level of my Soul’s light opened, and profound wisdom flowed from my being. This experience revealed to me that it was another way for divine light to move through me. It felt as if God was teaching me about creation in that moment. This encounter allowed me to deeply understand that being created is more profound than just a human concept.

The Recording

This recording is perfect for knowing we are not alone. Human consciousness is a blend of higher intelligence for knowing matter. It was the early days of learning about light and human photosynthesis. The gradual changes moved in human photosynthesis as my light changed for depth. Learning about creation is all this is. It gave me the way to testify for it’s level. The light could move through me. 

What we hear is light in my Soul. It’s the integrated levels of intelligence living more in my light. We’ve been created and live in a variance of God’s light. The various vibrations within my Soul’s light move. As we embody love, we access higher levels of the light that already exists within us. Gradually, we move deeper into God’s light with more levels of depth.