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The Walk to God

The walk is by the Soul, not the mind.
The more we claim to know God,
the further we are from Him.
We’re walking out of our ideas for His will. 

The process of understanding light is an ongoing journey of unraveling our thought system for depth. As we delve deeper into our existence, we gain a better understanding of the principles behind Jesus’ teachings. The more convinced we are that our way of living with God is correct, the less we truly comprehend Him. The mind feeds the ego and the idea of self knowing Him. The highest levels of religion crucified God’s Son without knowing God’s existence.

The journey with God is a personal and psychological one. No one can enter without letting go of their ego, little person, and satan. If we try to possess God, we will fail because our minds give only to satan. Religion lost its way by living only for what it could gain as publicly knowing God.

Those who live with status and power don’t lose their lives to gain them in God. Instead they build a story letting ego feel achieved. We end up building branding and marketing instead of enlightenment and Love. Without consciously evolving in God, we don’t acquire substance, depth, or maturity. 

Our journey is not about group ideas, family, community, or even agreeing with others. It is the individual’s walk from one world to another, shedding our skin for light. We’re living from everything other than Love to Love. We’re unraveling our thought system and reality, leaving this world for another. We live from the many to the one in a process that takes us from matter identification to Spirit identification.

God created us to know Him, not just an ideology of Him. Religion is based on other people’s experiences with God. Moses and Abraham were individuals who walked with God through a story. No one in any religion can live with God in creation. We’re pretending to know Him from one-sided narratives. 


God is living by the Soul’s light in Him, not by the self-chattering mind in satan. 
We’re walking out of this skin into light for depth.

We never claim God or design what living with Him is. Very few people in the history of the human race have lived with God teaching about Himself. God chooses us; we don’t dance for Him. It comes from a deeper light within our Soul. 

When we aspire to be something to God, we design it instead of losing our lives to gain them in Him. The ego makes the body, self, and society as reality. We place meaning and attachment at matters level trying to be “a someone” that looks to others as religious and devout to God. We don’t acquire depth. We conceptualize what fits into the mainstream ideology. We limit our understanding of life and perceive the material world as the way. In doing so, we build satan. 

Hear An Angel saying, “This is my world in God.”

Everything given is for the mind to shift to light. 

If we need scripture or religious ideologies, we haven’t met God.

The path to understanding God is not about forcing it to be something specific. The world is already filled with turns and twists for light. Everything in existence serves as our personal learning experience. Instead of delving into deeper inquiries about our existence or God’s, we often focus on creating traditions, rituals, and routines to satisfy societal expectations and ego. Rather than seeking depth, we shape ideas out of what others tell us or what we read.

The walk is not based on mainstream ideas. A deeper depth is needed. There is more to our existence than we know. The Soul is carrying a divine light for placing us in another part of life with God. The mind has to travel through stories, ego, society, and family ideas. We’re walking from the many to the one, shedding our ideas of self and reality.

We came into a world that already existed and formed ideas of God from what we were taught. We didn’t know God as our mother, father, brother, and sister. We have no conceptual idea about creation. No religion ever has. Genesis told a story about knowing we had a creator and were created. It was upon us to hear God from every level of consciousness to know more. But we couldn’t do that because no one in any religion can hear God. 

The Soul is the guide, carrying more life than the mind.

Scripture places light but never is to be interpreted for copying. Every individual is with God in their own organic, unique walk to Him. Whether they believe in God or not doesn’t matter. Our awakening isn’t carrying our ideas. The world was already programmed with everything we need to evolve consciously. We’re carrying placement. 

Scripture opens more for us, but we don’t walk to God through someone else’s story. Every individual who has lived with God teaching about Himself has already consumed that path. We have another one, and ours is made for the time we live with Him. 

The Bible was compiled over a thousand years ago, and during that time, many people placed what fit that time in history and what served their agenda. The Hebrew Bible was sifted for rabbinic commentary to have its place. We carry our own preconceived notions and rarely venture beyond them. We don’t know God. We built an idea of God.

Each religion has its own story and idols. No one is walking to God through them. It’s been over two thousand years, and no one in any religion has enlightenment. No one can hear God’s voice or understand creation because they only sit in satan at the devile level of life, believing they know Him because they do as others do with Him. 

Knowing God means being able to live in conversation with Him. Being onesided with God is satan. Living with God transcends the limitations of religious structures and exists in a realm beyond worldly concerns, living in a different light. We experience God beyond societal expectations and norms. Depth is gained by embracing a life that we may not naturally desire. 

No one with God has ever lived what they wanted with Him. God knows us better than we know ourselves and is only living in our light to move us deeper into Him. This means our thought system has to change, He changes our lives beyond our ideas of it. We don’t live in what works for us or carries status with God. 

No one knows the one with God until their time comes. He isn’t living for anything about our world. His magnitude in our lives is for substance, depth, and maturity. Consciously evolving to know Him takes a lifetime and more. Ideas come and go, and life continually changes. 

The light changes within our Soul as our eyes and ears immerse in another world, knowing God’s will. We do not chart the path to God, nor do we truly comprehend how it unfolds. He enters our lives and begins to reorganize it, transforming our thought system. God is rewiring the world for light.

The Soul is the guide on this journey, leading us beyond the mind. Only the individual can know God and the unique walk is out of left field and not our doing. We’re in a story that is the backdrop for making the walk, and it begins when the Soul is ready for it. 


Religion made itself into something and has always carried the devil’s level of life because it wears the clothes for it. By design, our desires carry hefty prices, and our ego makes sure we get what we come for. When the hierarchy of religion demanded that everyone know it and respect it, the light it desired faded for dark. Only satan can walk with society’s approval. 

No one with God has lived a day making mainstream acceptance their path. Every biblical figure walked outside of mainstream acceptance uniquely with God. They knew more than any religious person and cared not for any religion. 

The mind tells us to do what others do and feel accomplished by doing it. The Soul yells louder and tells us to walk away from all of it for a smaller place with God that is deeper. The smaller our ideas are, the more poignant they become. The broad gate of mainstream acceptance is the devil’s trap. The narrow gate is the only path to God. 

No one knows our walks with Him, and no one else can walk them. We capture the light without knowing where it came from. Those placing their ideas as holy, sacred, and with a covenant with God have never heard His voice or teachings. They walk a mainstream idea with consciousness in lower mind, carrying satan, trying to be someone seen with God by others.

The first are last, and the last are first with God. The quiet Soul twiddles away, carving their Soul with God in ways no one sees; they walk it deepest with Him.