The Walk to God
The walk is by the Soul, not the mind.
The depth we carry is either society as reality
or Heaven on earth.
We’re walking out of our ideas for His will.
We’re the only ones wiring our walk with God. It’s not coming from mainstream ideas. Our perspective of the mainstream ideas makes other ideas. Only our minds and hearts can open the world. The entire world is our personal curriculum to God. There is no university other than the universe.
It’s been godless for over two thousand years because religion wants to be a mainstream, accepted idea. No one is losing their lives to gain them in God, who wears the costume of a rabbi or bishop.
The process of understanding light is an ongoing journey of unraveling our thought system for depth. As we delve deeper into our existence, we lose the idea of self for Love. We fall deeper into the world of Heaven than the world of purpose for society. The mind is transferring ideas from being “a someone” to knowing another level of our existence. We’re moving from matter identification to Spirit identification.
The more convinced we are that our way of living with God is correct, the less we truly know Him. The religious mind is a seeker who lives face-value thinking instead of realizing depth in the Soul. Depth in the Soul is the walker willing to be the opposite of everything in life to God. It is the person who can live ostracized, knowing a bigger Truth about God. Living ostracized hasn’t served humanity only because no one knew creation.
The more we know only one of us is here with God the deeper we can walk. We don’t live for God when we are in religion. We live for an idea that can be accepted by religions. And it’s satan out of placing matter identification for the ego to be pleased. As long as someone else can agree, we know God, we’re happy, and so is the devil in human consciousness. The mind won’t live for depth when the ego is satisfied. We’re happy playing a bishop instead of losing our lives for Christ. No one is living to go beyond the institution to God. We only live to be under it.
God is knowing the Soul’s light, not the self-chattering mind in satan.
We’re walking out of this skin into the light for depth.
Hear An Angel saying, “This is my world in God.”
If we need scripture or religious ideologies, we haven’t met God.
The devil in human consciousness gives the ego everything it needs to believe it knows God well and is good. No one will double-cross the pope’s ideas of God, and no one will walk outside the institution to a flock of people waiting to know their idea of God. The priest, bishop, and cardinal will live according to the institution, denying God daily. They will stand in formation as false idols instead of carrying depth in Christ.
The Soul carries little faith in God when we need religion instead of Him. The mind is trying to be accepted out of fear of being ostracized by family, friends, and community. The enormity of Moses walking outside of every Israelite during his time taught us that the one with God knows Him beyond everyone else. Only the individual can claim depth, substance, and maturity in God. Only the individual can walk it. They carry a load beyond every human being on earth, which shatters society as a reality for knowing God’s will.
The purpose of religion was for satan. Every religion on earth tells the world they have something with God everyone else should strive for without utilizing basic common sense. Why would anyone strive to be in a religion when God exists? The religious order lost it two thousand years ago and never saw it happen. No one had eyes to see with or ears to hear with. They made branding and marketing an excuse for knowing God.
Carrying around scripture from thousands of years ago is obviously from no one in religion able to hear God. When we can live with God in conversation, we change the world. Very few people in the history of the human race have lived with God teaching about Himself. When He calls on someone, it’s out of their light in the Soul, realizing a level beyond mainstream ideas.
God doesn’t make idle chit-chat with humans. He places depth for knowing Him. The day we hear God’s voice is the day reality changes and our thought system unravels. We walk in the process of losing our lives to gain them in God, and it will be God’s plan, not ours. No one designs what living with God is. The family traditions, holidays, practices, and protocols made satan’s rituals live for ego. The robbing of ourselves in clothing for everyone else to believe we are religious or favored by God is satan.
Moses’ clothes were more raggish, and his idea of holy was null. No one will have a hairstyle, beanie, robe, cross, or cup and believe it holds depth with God. It was for your idea of self to please ego, believing other people saw you as special. We want to feel close to God, so place self-identity the matter to achieve it. We don’t hear God or see His light deeper than the Bible, Kuran, temple, Kaaba, or church. We made them something holy because we can’t hear God’s voice. We place anything in the matter as holy for other people to believe it, too.
God created every human being without clothing. The idea that matter identification has something to do with God is the little person not carrying depth about the Holy Spirit upon us. We’re not believing in God like we think we do. Satan moved depth to live the devil’s level with self-identification in matter. We try to “look” like we know God because we can’t hear Him. The “look” has been branded by every religion.
We’ve been ripping ourselves off for thousands of years while standing right next to God. Human beings are the only ones that rip themselves out of God’s arms. We do it for the ego, satan, and the little person. We want to be “a somebody” instead of carrying a deeper light in God.
No one knows God as their mother, father, brother, or sister. We don’t have the depth to know Spirit over the idea in the mirror. We place ideas in matter, just like the Pharisees and high priests did thousands of years ago. Nicodemus was a high priest when Jesus walked the earth. He knew something about Jesus was different. But Nicodemus didn’t carry the depth to walk over the bridge to the Messiah. He had status and power and wanted to be approved by his peers. No one wants to be ostracized from a religious order, and the death of our Soul making light with God happens when we have no muscle for depth.
Something deeper in us has to burn for Love. It has to burn to know more about God than anyone else in this world. If we walk with the crowd, we stay with satan. When we walk for what is beyond it, we open pathways that can lead to a greater journey of the Soul. Every human being is living to know God whether they believe in Him or not. Moses lived from Egyptian culture, which held polytheistic ideas, until the burning bush. When God spoke to Moses, he moved from a polytheistic idea to a monotheistic idea. Muhammed lived in a polytheistic culture but broke into a deeper light for a monotheistic idea from the Angel.
No one walking this earth in religion, whether a pope or imam, hears God. The entire species is living polytheistic with four thousand religions that fight for only their idea to live. The polytheistic nature is because no one really believes in God. If anyone did, we would live to Him and not be in religions. We’re carrying ideologies instead of direct communication with God because of satan. The priest made himself be something, and it never came near the cloth of God.
The cloth we weave isn’t based upon other people’s opinions of us. It has nothing to do with religion, dogmas, or philosophies. It’s not a mainstream level. We don’t carry anything of this world when God enters our lives. It changes everything we know today as life for something we never knew existed. The ideologies are the little person’s level trying to be something to God without becoming it. We don’t assign our own decree to God, and we don’t walk deeper when we carry shallow ideas with Him.
No one will claim God and have branding and marketing as holy in our lifetimes. The person who wants the world to see them as holy and with God is the devil. Moses, Abraham, and everyone who walks with God is unknown until their time comes. They live arduously through passages very few human beings ever walk. The mainstream collage of rabbis and priests is the epitome of the child lost walking away from God.
The idea that we can shape practices and protocols from other people’s experiences with God, and it was meant for us, is the little persons grabbing at straws to be something to God. The depth is shallow and won’t come near Him. It diverts substance for being someone at a mainstream level instead. It’s the Nicodemus syndrome.
Nicodemus was a high priest when Jesus walked the earth. He knew Jesus was the Messiah but wouldn’t cross the bridge to claim it. He had status, power, and peers who thought highly of him. He made the choice to live based on face-value ideas instead of seeking depth in what wasn’t seen by everyone. We often walk what everyone else sees instead of hearing a deeper call in our Soul. The mind is satan and overrides our will to know God for shallow acceptance for being in a congregation or wing of religion.
The mind won’t care about Truth as long as the ego is satisfied. It just wants to feel like it knows God, even when it’s not living towards Him. We won’t carry a bigger path to God if we keep accepting a smaller one. There are four thousand religions, and not one can live in conversation with God. This has always been a red flag with religion. It catered to emperors and kings but not to God. The Roman Empire majored in being a god to both Christianity and Judaism.
No one after the disciples heard God’s voice. We pretended and designed our ways with Him and never left satan.
Two thousand years ago, when the highest levels of religion crucified God’s son, the consequence was satan. Christianity had no depth, and neither did Islam. They compared everything to Judaism and tried to be something with power. All three major religions came out of other people’s interpretations of those who lived with God. They had nothing to do with any of it but marked all of it as a way of living with God. By their own interpretations and narratives, they began making practices and protocols become ideas that needed to be followed to know God. This was satan only living for the devil’s level of life.
If the individual had known more, the individual would have lived to God teaching about Himself, but this didn’t happen. Everyone wanted to teach about God instead of believing they knew God because they adhered to rituals, traditions, and practices. Every religion has them, and every parishioner believes they know God because they do them. It has nothing to do with God. It’s an idea about God, and no one can claim Him.
When we claim God in an idea we make everything at matters level mean it. We don’t carry depth in God we carry satan, placing bumper stickers, altars, temples, shrines, and anything of matter to show it. We’re building an idea to live with God instead of losing our lives to know Him. The more religious we are, the more rituals, practices, and protocols we live in. This means we live at a matter level with self-identity in matter, living the devil’s level in life in satan. The deeper we walk at matters level the further we go from God.
When God taught us He was of no form and of all form, He was giving us the way to know that depth came from what wasn’t tangible. Our eyes and ears end up masking light for only knowing the dark. We have no way to acquire substances when we stay shallow. Instead, we move in ideas for how others see us. We want the family and community to see us as devout.
We’re not living for depth; we’re living for acceptance and for the ego to feel like we are good. Religion has been branded as good, peaceful, and with God. Everyone wants that same marking. We don’t travel for God. We are only doing what makes us feel these things. The ones that live deeper for God, no one sees or knows. The light doesn’t come from what is in the world. It’s from what is outside the world. The mind is a storyteller and is sitting in lower earthly energy. It will dictate a journey to God in religions, pilgrimages, rituals, and anything that resonates for the ego to feel spiritually higher than most.
Human beings have been trying to find ways to have power and goodness since the very beginning. We’re not trying to do what no one else is doing. We are a species placing self with others, not knowing that everyone is a level of energy within our Soul. There is no place where one begins and another ends. The mind is the storyteller and doesn’t want depth. It wasn’t satan’s level because it wanted exciting, new, and fun. No one wants to sit in deep contemplation and in silence for very long. It’s only something to do after we tell someone we will do it. The ego has to mark it before we do it.
No one understood Spirit to carry the invisible world. Nor did we gravitate towards God of no form and of all form. We carry life through our senses, seeking what is tangible to achieve meaning for what ego approves of. We’re not living for the formless level of life, and that is where all of our depth is. Nothing in this life can break the molds we shape as children until something deeper in us signals its time. When it happens, we must carry maturity for placing depth, or it becomes a mainstream level again.
The ideologies were placed before we knew them. We live within a measure of life already existing when we are born. The mind won’t transfer anything outside of that measure. It will toil and blend within it. No one is going to climb out of the box they came in because the walls are the thought systems measure. We begin idealizing our knowing and not knowing at an early age. We make it based on what other people teach in the beginning. We accept what mom and dad or someone else teaches as Truth. We have no way to question it.
The mind categorizes and records everything. We’re walking in energy-shaping corridors to walk down. Getting from A to B could have infinite paths, but for us, we created our own path. We begin masking the world with only our filter. The filter we shape is the thought systems housing. We only begin to find the builders in childhood, but by the time we are young adults, we live for ourselves to be something. The more we make the body self, the less we can know about God.
The mind won’t shift for depth outside of matters level once we have applied meaning and attachment to matters level. The knowing and not knowing we make, which is filled with beliefs and ideologies, is the little person in satan who never carried God above all things or Spirit. We identified self and are now building the idea of the representative to be something.
Everything we touch becomes an idea that is either good for us or not. We don’t collect what isn’t good for us and build walls for our idea of what is good. The mind categorizes and records everything to satisfy the ego. Our ideas are nothing more than ego-driven thoughts made to satisfy themselves. We want to look a certain way and be seen as someone with branding who has a good standing in society.
No one is trying to live shamed or ostracized, but it doesn’t serve the mind to categorize life with that kind of duality. The more we think we know what is good, the more we place satan. The ego is a master at making us feel good. We don’t carry contemplation or question our thoughts to see more. We go along with whatever we think, believing it’s real. The day that we can pause our thoughts and shift our perspective for what doesn’t serve our ego is the day we must run through the gate. Nothing in this world can carry thought but our ideas. If we shift and then continue living as we always have, we don’t make it through the gate.
The mind is a vortex of ideas and placing them i
They knew nothing about God when they began.
We have carried a torch for knowing God out of fear and dismay of our own existence on this planet in space. We want to idealize what makes us feel complete in being here. No one will find any other discernment bigger than God in the course of life.
Nothing was made from the Apostles. Paul was never an Apostle and wouldn’t carry anything but darker levels.
No one is going to shape a religion and steal from the Apostles to do it. Christianity has been stealing since it tried to compete with Judaism. The idea of knowing God went from a direct line with God to a middleman who is a thief only wanting to be something with power and control over an ideology they see fit. No one has to be in any religion for God to know them. Every religion shaped itself, trying to be an empire of power with God.
He chooses David over Goliath every time. The King Sauls all fall away because they have no Trust in God. The Pharisees didn’t have eyes to see God with and carried nothing but what became the rabbinic hour of darkness. We don’t shame light in us and believe we know God. When Judaism knew God existed, it began a journey deeper into satan than toward light. It had been persecuted and lost many times with sages and teachers trying to place unity and power with God. The more power we could display with God, the more we felt protected.
The religion Judaism didn’t exist with Moses or Abraham. None walked a shallow path. The religion came into being after many people tried to know God like someone else did. It held an idea that Israelites were favored by God because where it began had been with Israelites, but where it began was never where it would end.
The mind of the individual is the only road to God. The unity we try to place with God doesn’t live in what others think or how we carry traditions and practices. In 70 CE when the second temple fell the diaspora took place, and many Israelites went to Babylonia. No one understood creation, God’s existence, or their own. No one had lived deep enough with God to understand His light with them.
Even today, many people believe God is a mystery, and it’s only from having false idols as the hierarchy in religion. Abraham, Muhammed, and Moses never knew creation. It wasn’t their time for it. Life isn’t catering to any one individual. Only God knows what is in store for someone one and only God carries us.
The Little Person Level
The little person tries to be something with God based on a mainstream idea that is accepted. We try to be like our friends and family instead of living beyond them to God. Once we make our idea of God a group idea, we only stay in that box. No one lives beyond any religion. We only live under it. The parishioner is deep in satan, letting the preacher feel like they know God better. We’re not exercising our birthright when we only idealize God based on mainstream ideologies.
The walk to God isn’t based on anything this world showers us with, as knowing God. It’s beyond it. What the world offers is at the devil’s level, which is why no religion can hear God’s voice. We’re not going to break away and mesmerize the pope with knowledge about God, and herein lies our satan staying under the pope. We’re comfortable and live our idea of living with God. It’s the little person level not yet ready to lose their lives to gain them in God.
We can’t make God adhere to our rules or our designs for living with Him. The religious idea has completely disregarded God’s will for their own. The pope wears a costume, not registering how absurd that idea is when we live with God teaching about Himself. No one is going to have a decree over another human being with God because they have mainstream branding and marketing. The enormity of God’s existence and ours is being diminished by people wearing costumes pretending to know Him because they carry scripture from thousands of years ago.
It was a little person’s level two thousand years ago, and it’s a little people’s level today.
Only the individual can acquire the depth to know God.
Christianity shaped itself from the very text teaching that religion would not know God. It didn’t create any light with God, and people thought they could live off of what someone else experienced with God. This misses the point of God creating all of us individually to know Him in His idea of our existence, not by a theocratic bureau of false idols.
When people have titles and positions like bishops, imams, rabbi’s and priests, they steal from knowing God to live only with satan. Satan isn’t some monster living outside of us. It’s our thinking in lower earthly energy, placing self-identity in matter and building ego to support it. Our eyes and ears get darker with filters for trying to be someone, and as we do this, we start changing the way we can live with God for what is living in society. Having mainstream acceptance is what we live for instead of losing our lives to gain them in God.
The idea that a little person in some mainstream ideology can earn light near what the Apostles did won’t ever exist. God chose them. There is no Apostolic Successory. We’re self-appointing ourselves like children in costumes, pretending to be something. Titles and positions – branding and marketing are the epitome of what not living with God looks like.
Someone walking to God is alone in the forest, traveling solo on roads no one has ever seen before. No one can understand the journey to the Love of another human being. God created a unique path for each of us, and no other human being knows it. We won’t live what Abraham or Moses did. What they lived was unique to them. They walked through a story based on that present period in human consciousness, which is a different idea than ours.
No one will ever live the same as another with God. Nothing in this world will ever dictate the course for arriving at God. Only the Soul knows it, and only the individual can walk it. We don’t live to mimic what Moses or Abraham did. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. It was for many reasons and further down the road than where we presently knowing. Moses lived a life that went from being found on the Nile living in Egyptian royalty and culture to learning that he was adopted and the slaves were his people. His brother and sister were part of the slavery.
Moses saw a taskmaster hitting a slave and killed him. This happened at a time in human history when civility was trying to find more ground. God placed light with Moses even though Moses didn’t know Him. Moses grew up in Egyptian culture, worshiping many gods. He had been polytheistic until the burning bush. Only after God spoke to Him did Moses live monotheistic. The idea that Moses is the father of a religion is absurd. He never knew one.
He lived God’s will through the story of that time, carving his Soul deeper in God. The idealogy of any religion existing today making claim to lineage with Moses is null. No one on this planet today heard his voice or ate with him. Everyone’s ID is only to God. He created everything in existence. The only lineage and heritage we carry is the one we make up. When we leave the body, this story and every idea of self, family, and reality fade. Everything in the temporal world fades away. It’s a story to observe our consciousness and carve Love in; It doesn’t last but for eighty or a hundred years. Then, we move into new life and experience matter again at another level of consciousness. God is our mother, father, brother, and sister.
We don’t really feel like we have been created to contemplate what this means about what family is and isn’t. We’re not really awake, and instead of knowing our divine light, we create shallow ideas about who we are. The thought system has placed face value thinking in matter without knowing the invisible world or Spirit. We make thought mazes in lower earthly energy that only drives ego into our ideas. We’re sitting deeply in satan, thinking about who we are and what life is without knowing we’re asleep. We don’t have any way to know we it until light is in the world. When light is in the world, we have the way to see our darkness.
We live in another period and dont acquire depth by what they lived in their period.
Moses gave the Ten Commandments, and the light of them lives for eternity but not alone. When the Ten Commandments were given, it was at another time in human history, in a different reality and level of human consciousness. It was for his level of consciousness and the light of that time. We haven’t measured life right-minded. We take what Moses gave and call it holy, but we dirty it and instead design our own idea of laws. Rabbi’s have torn a cloth with God that wont be repaired. The Mishna and Gemara claim God’s hand in the writing when it is only rabbinic commentary. No one could live with God in conversation or even hear His voice when they were being made.
Maimonides, Philo, and Josephus lived for a religious idea and carried a purpose and agenda for it to have weight. They didn’t hear God’s voice or know Him. They carried ideologies and beliefs for mainstream acceptance. The contributors always felt the need to make Judaism as different as possible from Christianity and Islam. It was a foreign idea when Christianity displayed a love for God, too. The mind of the Jewish neighbor is the one still being persecuted by everything in life, from not knowing God. All of the rabbinic ideas claiming depth with God stood in shallow water for an agenda instead of for light.
We can claim the Talmud is God’s, but it’s ridiculous to do so when God is a living God. We can claim the Bible as God’s, but it’s ridiculous, too, when God is a living God. The Kuran is the same. Many people have scribed and written their interpretations from their level of thinking as history. Their perspective became something because no one could hear God. As long as branding and marketing is depth in God we are satan’s children playing in costumes with the devil.
The walk to Gdo won’t ever be in a religion, but it will always be beyond them. The charlatan isnt a person its the claiming of a ritual as depth with God. If you place self-identity in a cup and call it holy and then place it in a glass box on a shelf and have a historian claim Jesus touched it, is it worth anything at all? Does having things in rituals, traditions, and human precepts give depth in God? Is the mind wandering around ego actually walking anywhere but the devil’s level of life?
The more we place self-identity in matter for feeling secure with God, the less muscle we build to know Him. The outer world steals from the inner. We need the temple, preacher, cross, Talmud, Kaaba, iman, and rabbi to define it. We’re lost children wandering around in satan trying to make someone else believe we know God because we have no depth with Him. No one will know the one with God until their time comes, but when it comes, no one can stand telling the world they know God either.
The pope has no place with God, and neither does the parishioner making a false idol part of their living with Him.
The Walk
The journey with God is an individual one and a psychological one that changes reality and our thought system. No one can enter without letting go of their ego, little person, and satan. If we try to possess God, we fail because the mind wanders only in satan to be seen as someone with Him. The more we need matter to define our knowing God the less we travel for depth.
Buddha Never Knew God But Received Light in Christ
Every human being is walking to God, whether they know it or not. We’re walking away from accepted ideas and into deeper living where contemplating ideas of life becomes something. Siddartha Guatama didn’t know God existed. He lived in another period with God, which carried the individual story for acquiring depth. We don’t have to believe in God for light to be with us.
God created everything in existence, and everything in life, whether in our country or on the moon, is for knowing Him. Only our level of consciousness is the world, and only our narrative exists as life. We interpret everything we see as our knowing and not knowing. And shaped a reality based upon face-value thinking, which we haven’t left to know life. Our knowing life doesn’t carry anything except our ideas, which come from other people. We’ve been taught how to know God and life and only live according to society’s ways.
No one is being raised by God at birth like John the Baptist to see Him. We’re uncovering layers and layers of ideas that have become filters over our eyes to see Him. We don’t live for God as we live for ideologies about Him.
Buddha’s walk in life becoming a religious idea wasn’t living for anything but light. It’s been seen as the opposite of all other religions and a lifestyle for peace. No one washes in what Judaism, Christianity, or Islam does. The Buddhist idea is made to be different, but it’s not different.
but that didn’t matter; neither did Moses. Moses grew up in a polytheistic culture, worshipping many gods. He didn’t know what God was at the burning bush. God had to tell Him who He was.
Every human being walks to God whether they believe in Him or not. The world doesn’t decide the story with God or where it goes.
Siddartha grew up in royalty, luxury, and power. His father shielded him from death, sickness, and aging. He was protected from the darkness. One day, Siddhartha snuck out beyond the Kingdom walls and came across people sick, dying, and aging. He didn’t know what it was and had nothing to guide him through it. It was a catastrophic moment for him that sparked a depth in his Soul for losing his life to gain it in God, even though he had no idea God existed. He walked away from a newborn son, family, and royalty to try and figure out where suffering was coming from. He became an ascetic, but that didn’t satisfy him. He went beyond the ascetics, starving himself and diving deeper for where the suffering began.
Siddartha is the epitome of every human being’s story of living toward God. No one knows what can happen at any moment that sparks something deeper in the Soul to leave our lives to answer it. His desire to know something that had no answer is right-minded. While he didn’t make it to know God, he lived far enough in Christ for light to have enlightenment. Buddha lived beyond every religion to God. He walked the path of the unknown and never cared to look back.
We don’t walk the right path to God in religion. The unique journey to God is by the Soul. Something in us already carries it, but we’re detouring for satan’s ideas to have gratification at matters level. Buddha starved himself, not knowing he had acquired substance and depth in another part of life. He didn’t do it with knowing. He was living honestly within his own light to know more about life. Having lived sheltered and protected from life, the explosion was very big and very real. Each of us has another road to walk when we hear the call to do so.
Buddism doesn’t believe in God’s existence, but Buddhism has no idea what being alive is, what creation is or where thought comes from. Buddha never knew the difference between thinking and consciousness, reality, or the difference between Spirit and the Soul. He didn’t know Heaven on Earth or what the life continuum was because He didn’t understand being created or being on a planet in space. Siddartha was someone who walked out of one idea of life into another but only placed living in his idea. He lived in his narrative without knowing it.
We’re not to look for the earthly kingdom of God; His depth is in the individual’s Soul.
The idea that geography has something special with God is satan. God created hydrogen and stars light years away. He shaped the earth, and every inch of it is sacred. The ocean and the air are filled with life. We don’t place self-identity in matter without the devil.
Jerusalem would not be carried as Holy if Judaism, Christianity, or Islam could hear God’s voice. Matter is the temporal world, and God is the eternal light of our existence. We place self-identity in matter with meaning and attachment because we don’t hear God. When we can live with God teaching about Himself, nothing at matters level carries our identity. Our will to know God has to exceed this world, and something in our Soul has to trigger it.
The worldly ideas stay in matter. When something deeper in the Soul is triggered, another walk appears. Jerusalem is matters level. No level of matter is carried with God. Only the eternal light is placed and walked.
The Promised Land
The promised land isn’t a place. It’s a depth in God. This world is the illusion and is the temporal story that fades when we leave the body.
When we leave the body, every idea of land, churches, synagogues, temples, religions, family, and history fades. None of this exists again. By creation, consciousness completes itself. We come into the world already existing, and it has a story. We have a celestial history, a present, and a future. The mind is the storyteller. We’re living to leave the stories for only God’s light which is out of this world into another reality. We live from the many to the one with God as our mother, father, brother, and sister.
Matter is the storyboard we cling to because we don’t live deep enough in God. There is no self or family; there is God. Everything existing is a variance in His light. We can title and describe it at this one level of consciousness, but it’s only what we are mustering up. We don’t know the totality of anything, including our parents and children. Consciousness is all that is alive.
The promised land will always be the Soul’s light in God. When we leave the body, nothing in this world remains. Every thought fades, including our idea of family, culture, heritage, and lineage. We’ll live again in another body, and the idea of family and life will also be on another level.
The holiest place in the world is His voice, whether in Alabama, New York, or Ethiopia. No one cares about anything in matter when they live with God teaching about Himself.
We’re Not Walking Our Light with God
If Abraham was told to go somewhere it wasn’t us who were told. We haven’t heard God tell us anything because we try to live what Abraham did. We’re in the twenty-first century trying to carry something from thousands of years ago because we won’t grow up and live our own story with God.
Nothing Abraham, Moses, or Muhammed lived is for us. It was their time to know God from their present levels of consciousness. We are in our own story, and it demands we walk it alone with God.