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God & Religion

God isn’t in religion and never will be. 
He is the blueprint to life, and in every human being
no matter what we think of Him or do, He is with us.

People are growing up to live in religions instead of living beyond everything in this life to God, including every religion. We’re doing it backward. When we believe we know God but cannot live with Him in conversation, it’s only living in our idea of Him.  When we can live in conversation with God, we know Him. The one-sided design of living with God how we want and for what works for us is satan. Losing our lives to gain them in God through a process that changes our thought system, reality, and will towards life is the opposite of a doctrine or human precept.

We walk with ideologies instead of a deeper faith in God. The proclamation of knowing an idea of self-carrying nationalism, culture, or any family tradition is satan, making sure we live at matters level and do not live to leave it. Satan and ego will make self-identity in matter live instead of depth in Christ. 

We haven’t awakened to God. We’ve marginalized His existence with ideologies instead. If we understood God lived with us, we wouldn’t live with pastors or rabbis. The journey to Love is the individual’s walk out of one life purpose for only knowing God. 

We’re growing up idealizing God from the little person’s ideas. Moses and Abraham taught us that the individual lives with God through a story. Only one of us is here with God. 

The direct line with God gets lost and muddy every time we listen to someone else talk about God. The evangelist is the devil in satan, making him believe he works for God when he only carries the devil’s walk. The walk for the one living to God isn’t as a teacher to someone else. It’s losing our lives to gain them in God. We’re living from the many to the one with reality changing for only knowing Heaven on Earth. We’re not proclaiming God like the evangelists carries. We’re becoming light in Christ. 

Every individual is here to acquire more light in God. Our depth and substance in Him is what brings Heaven on earth and our living as Love. We leave one world for another with our reality and depth in God changing. The little person level in satan chooses religions, traditions, practices, and protocols, the body as self, and family as family. With God, we live with Heaven’s level of life. We carry substance to live in the bigger world and know light over matter. 

Someone in religion lives by matter, and someone with God knows light. The world is different when we can hear God’s voice. Religion is the by-product of people not hearing God. The Apostles didn’t start religion, neither did Abraham or Moses. They lived with God teaching about Himself, and no one else did until now. 

The very precipice of religion is the heart of scripture from thousands of years ago. That alone already reveals what was just written. God doesn’t need ideologies or any human decision about Him to live in a human being. He is the alpha and omega and will do what He chooses. An idealogy wants God to live in their interpretations, and it’s satan’s wish for the ego to feel satisfied. The mind doesn’t carry muscle for God when family traditions, heritage, lineage, and culture precede His eternal light of living. 

The temporal story becomes our existence, and we lose knowing our divine eternal light in God. No one is living to lose their lives to gain them in God, who places religion above Him. The ideologies came not by God but by human beings wanting power, and it began before we lived. 

We idealized His existence from stories and proclaimed Him the best we could. Going back to David, Solomon, and Prophet Samuel anointing King Saul. Our versions of God were made only from the present level of thinking about Him and that level of consciousness during a specific period in human consciousness. We assumed, guessed, and served our own purposes by placing God how we wanted. 

Throughout history, empires and kings have forced people to live by their ideologies. All major religions have murdered millions of people making claims to God. They didn’t serve Christ, Love, or enlightenment. They only serve rudimentary dogmatic political ideas. The world of religion is branding and marketing. It’s not enlightenment, miracles, or knowledge. 

We’ve been pretending and losing love with God for thousands of years since religion and its false idols have made humans believe in God from their ideas. No one needs to know God for God to choose them. Moses is a great example of someone who did not know God. Moses grew up in Egyptian culture worshipping many gods and was polytheistic until the burning bush. At the burning bush, Moses went from polytheistic to monotheistic. 

The mind is the storyteller (satan’s tool), and God doesn’t live by its doings. He knows the Soul. 

God created every human being to know Him, and no human idea of Him will separate God from His creation. The religious hierarchy fought for the devil and got it. The meek inherit the world, which is for the lonely Soul finding its way through tall grass and weeds. The seeker won’t know it, and the walk unfolds it. Raw organic living is what builds muscle with God. 

No one proclaiming a decree in God by titles and positions has known God. They walked in the opposite direction for satan levels. We don’t exercise rights with God based upon idealogies. We’re wardrobing, branding, and walking for satan to please the ego. Losing our lives to gain them in God is the opposite. We don’t robe ourselves; we disrobe. Self-emptying only goes so far because we conceptualize it with ego. Surrendering to God is an art the mind never participates in. 

The path is deeper, and only our Soul’s light carries it. No religion, doctrine, or dogma has the way to God. The road to Him is the unknown one that carries more than the world does. It’s outside of our mind’s story of family, self, and reality. Everything has been created for us to know God. The individual is walking in their unique curriculum to Him.

The mind is the storyteller that always presents what can benefit the ego as walking with God. We made holy a branding idea in religion solely to make the ego feel like it walked with God. The one with God never knows holy. It doesn’t exist when we live with God teaching about Himself. What does exist is an arduous walk, leaving one world for only His. It doesn’t exist with holy or anything that religion displays as knowing Him. 

No one will know God through society’s eyes. People walk into another level of life because God chooses them. We’re not dancing for God or forcing Him to live according to our ideas of Him. His creation of us is for every individual to only experience their level of consciousness as the world, working through it to Him. We live from the many to the one learning I Am as all there is. 

Nothing life is catering has anything to do with living to God. We have a deeper divinity within, and it’s been there since our creation. The light of knowing Him isn’t from scripture, laws, or someone else’s experiences with God. It’s unique and formed only by the Soul. The world is for changing, and when God chooses us to know Him, He changes the world for human consciousness to advance. 

No one will live according to mainstream acceptance when they know God. The idealogy of human existence has been wrong since Adma and Eve unleashed satan in our thinking. The human thought system is riddled with tiny snakes of ideas that only exist in lower earthly energy. We were living money as a second God and had no conceptualizing of God when the Apostles taught us about Christ. 

They lived with God teaching about Himself, and each one carried a path of their own with God. It was never for religion. It was always for the individual to know God. We don’t follow in Peter Simons ‘ footsteps or carry Matthew’s idealogy. We live in the twenty-first century with airplanes, satellites, and mobile phones.

The idealogy that the Apostles had never known creation. They couldn’t know it either. It wasn’t time for it. We carried Genesis, and it did its job for that level of reality. The words, living on a planet in space didn’t exist. Neither did atoms, ice cream, molecules, cells, trains, cars, buildings, TVs, enzymes, gallbladder, pupils, microwaves, stoves, kettles, stop signs, traffic lights, electricity, skateboards, roller skates, bikes, Mars, Jupiter, and so on. There was no capacity in human thinking to know algorithms, resonance, vibrations, or frequencies. 

Idealizing an individual wasn’t as being created from intelligence hundreds of billions of years alive. Even the idea of Angels was hard. Over the years, we’ve made Angels human beings with wings, but we also placed God as a human being in the sky. Idealizing life beyond us hasn’t existed. 

In 1 AD and before, humans could not know creation. In the twenty-first century, we have more words to idealize the world and carry depth about creation. The existence of human thinking hasn’t advanced until now. We’re opportunists for realizing the world differently than a human being did in 1AD. We are global and have gone to the moon. 

Nothing in any religion lives for knowing God. It’s living for an old idea of God. No one is losing their lives to gain them in God, who chooses to live in the hierarchy of religion. They chose the devil’s level instead. We don’t see ourselves as not living with God because we’ve been pretending we do for so long. It is uncharacteristically living for a priest to say he doesn’t know God until it’s asked. 

When we have to contemplate honestly living with God and why we cannot live in conversation with Him, we discern a deeper Truth about the idea of knowing God. One-sided ideas of God that society accepts have nothing to do with Him. Constantinople of the Byzantine Empire believed He knew God while only living society as reality in opposition to Love. Maimodies, Philo, and Josephus believed they knew God too, while only living society as reality in favor of Judaism over Christianity.

Through out history scribes and authors cater to their agendas and purposes for religion to exist. 






devil carries him. Working for God isn’t based on anything society deems as working for god.

What we proclaim is from accepting satan. Losing our lives to gain them in God carries no religion, family traditions, or societal ideas of God. The evangelists don’t know God. 

The idea we know God because we love Him, worship, or study doctrine is satan. The Pharisees and high priests prayed to God while killing His Son. Satan doesn’t sleep. It only puts us to sleep. 


God is choosing and placing us to know Him. He’s not living for our idea of Him. Nor does He walk in our designs of knowing Him. 

Walking to Know God

Knowing God is the individual walking out of their skin into light with Him. We don’t dance for God, and we don’t demand He chooses us. We surrender. Religions are demanding God live in their ideologies, and that is the lowest idea of satan. No group of people can dance for God and force Him to adhere to their ideas. He doesn’t care about any mainstream idealogy. He is walking outside of it and deeper in our Soul. 

The one who preaches about God is the one who did not walk to Him. When you walk with God, you will have broken many crosses, like Moses throwing the Ten Commandments. It is arduous and doesn’t exist in what we want to live or be. We don’t choose what God places upon us. We live it. 

We’ve compared knowing God to knowing laws, traditions, and rituals. That’s the little person doing something to believe they do it with God. When we do something with God, it makes history, not egoic satisfaction. The rabbi and priest have status and peers, and they believe they are good with God. They are satan’s children, only walking with the devil. 

The rabbi knows family, the body as self, and society as reality. Matter’s level has trapped him psychologically from knowing light. Only lower earthly energy makes up the thought system when one places self-identity in matter. We don’t walk to God in religions. We walk in ideologies with their ideas of God. The more rabbinic ideas, the less God exists. 

We don’t carry maturity about God in religions, nor do we grasp the enormity of being created and living in His world, not ours. We place our genuine knowing of God only on costumes, rituals and idealogies. We’re not enlightened people, and we have no idea how or why we’re on a planet in space. 

The idea of being alive is rudimentary, and God is a tiny altar, temple, list of laws, kaaba, or church instead of the breath we breathe. We’e not going to cross any bridges for God as long we are knocking them down to feel special. 

The walk to God isn’t based upon what happened to Moses, Abraham, or the Apostles. They represent celestial history for having some level of depth about God. Their story isn’t ours, and we’re certainly not carrying anything they lived, no matter how we try to believe we are of their cloth. 

They lived with God walking into a reality we do not walk until we hear His voice. They lived in another reality outside of mainstream ideas. They knew God beyond every other human being on earth. They did not live according to their world.

When Moses returned to Egypt to free the Israelites, where he once had worshipped many gods, he was walking out of one world for only living by God’s will. We’re not designing what living with God is, then fulfilling it and believing we know God because we did. The little person, ego, and satan shape the rabbi and bishop. They have status but not God. 

When we know God, we don’t have status, and no one knows the Truth of our existence until our time comes. The walk with God is a burning desire deeper in Heaven than in this world. The world isn’t kindly giving us God.

Most scholars, theologians, and historians feel intelligent. They believe they know the story well but never know the illusion they are in. We won’t get past the gates of the illusions while only building walls inside of it. The more we believe we know life, the further we are.  

We can effortlessly live in illusory. The human mind is the tool that opens any door we can bring into being from thought. Consciousness is all that is alive, and the level we live from is out of resonance. We can choose lower earthly energy, mainstream ideas and the body as self or we can choose God as our mother, father, brother and sister and know Spirit. 

The mind isn’t going to grapple with ego until we lose our lives to gain them in God. Kenosis in religion is satan. Self-emptying to be a friar or monk is the same as being a bishop or imam. We identify with knowing God because the world believes we do. We’re not changing reality or opening Heaven on Earth for enlightenment. We know God as the institution does. 

The mind of the most devout Christian is the devil’s child. The child never walked toward God. They walked at an early age into an idea of God. Once we claim Him out of society’s eyes, we stay there, developing everything needed to believe in and want Him. The mind grapples with normality and reasoning to know God. We want to be the same as everyone else with Him. As we get older, some of us want more. 

We’re not leaving the ego, satan, or the little person. We robe ourselves, placing self-identity in the religion and masterminding our identity to be good, holy, and with God while never hearing His voice. The mind doesn’t care that we don’t know God. It deludes us effortlessly because the ego wants to know God. As long as we can “feel” like we do, we believe we do. 

Every human being in religion believes they know God well. While not having any idea of how He exists, what creation is, what being alive is, who self is and isn’t, how Spirit exists, what reality is and isn’t, or what living for eternity looks like. They don’t know Heaven on Earth and have nothing but a mainstream idealogy claiming to know God. They carry no depth with God. 

Prayer is the medium of Heaven, but it doesn’t mean we know God. It places our light with Him for a short while deeper than idly living the day. The thought system lives in incessant thinking, jumping from one thought to the next. We live in self-chatter without knowing the narrator’s voice. We’ve been asleep to it. The voice in our heads proclaims the world, and we don’t question it. We haven’t arrived for substance and depth to carry deeper ideas of life. 

The self-chattering child placing self-identity in matter willing to wear clothing that others think is holy or near God is satan. The day we hear God is the day we lose our clothing. We lose our wants and desires and have no design of life. We’ll leave our purpose for knowing nothing but His voice. 

The one with God is walking from the many to the one in a process that shatters reality and everything we thought of life. We’re dismantling ego and satan, walking out of our skin for light. No one can carry two worlds with God. We only carry one, and it’s His will. The bishop didn’t live to know God. He lived to believe he knew him. 

We live to God teaching about Himself. Everything else is satan. 

The difference between the one walking with God and the bishop is light. Lower earthly energy masks our eyes and ears for dogmatic acceptance. We don’t walk out of our skin to God as long as we proclaim Him while in satan’s clothes. The costumes carry lower mind.  




The ones who walk with God live differently and experience something very few have in the history of the human race. Satan tries to make scholars of us all when it comes to God, but very few have heard His voice. 

The ideologies and hierarchy in religion have nothing to do with God. They are human beings trying to know Him but going in the wrong direction. We walk to God through the Soul. The mind detours when we try to be someone. We please mainstream ideologies instead of surrendering to God.  Until we lose our lives to gain them in God we stand in satan. The thought system lives in lower earthly energy, living society as reality and the body as self. We don’t know Spirit or the bigger world. 

We don’t live in the same period as Moses and Abraham, nor do we walk in their shoes in their narratives and ideas of God. We’re different people, and each one of us has a unique journey with God.  We’re in a different reality and period in human consciousness. The mind wants to find something other people agree on. We want to be accepted with family, friends and community. No one knows God as their mother, father, brother or sister. 

The mind is the storyteller and the one place where we lose God. Depth is required and substance by living deeper through the  Soul. Abraham passed his test with God not because of his thinking but because of what he could feel deeper within. He knew God even though the mind could easily know the devil. When God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, it wasn’t logical, practical, or reasonable. It was awful and seemed cruel. God knew nothing would happen to Isaac, but Abraham didn’t, and a depth within Him would need to know more in order to pass this test. 

The mind walks matters level while the Soul knows light in God. When we carry our lives to know God through mainstream ideas, we never leave lower ideas of Him. Renditions of Moses and Abraham scream through the hallways of religions, but no one in the religion ever walks to God. They only walk in their idea of Him. The preacher became famous not because he heard God’s voice or was enlightened. He became famous through branding. 

The preacher and rabbi don’t hear God’s voice. They know an idea of God. If they heard His voice, they would be in a deeper process, going into Christ. No one is going to hear God’s voice and be a preacher. They lose their lives to gain them in God and begin acquiring depth through a process between them and God. No one knows the process; only the individual walking it does. Moses was in a story with the Israelites. Abraham was on the journey to know God. Joseph was losing his life in prison after being sold into slavery by his brothers. The prodigal son lost his way only to only find it. John the Baptist is a person we dismissed without realizing the divine light of Him. 

He was the only human being during Christ’s time to know God’s Son and when He would arrive. God raised Him in the wilderness and gave Him eyes that could see. It’s not ordinary for us to experience God so deeply with us. We talk about Him, pray, and worship, but rarely does He live deeper with us. As soon as we attempt to know God in this world, it is as quick as losing Him. 

No one can walk into a church and learn about God. They learn about satan. It’s satan’s house because the ego is satisfied with routines and comradery instead of depth. Every human being walks the same path. We were born with divine light, and have to acquire depth to awaken. The mind doesn’t tell us about creation or thought. We’re idly walking through stories, unaware of who is thinking or where the thought is coming from. 

The idealogy of a religion has no idea that satan wrote the story. If we want to know God, we walk to Him and only Him, not to preachers, rabbis, or imams. The more we walk into temples, the less we walk towards God. The depth in the Soul is a muscle that isn’t made from matter level. It’s an invisible line to God through deeper means. No one can walk the exact same path as anyone else, and no one can teach how to know God. When we carry a little person’s idea, we master it. 

The idealogy of every religion is from people who do not walk to God. They walk in religions instead. Moses knew God, as did Abraham. The pope has never heard His voice. He would never be a pope if he had heard God. The pope would be living for depth in Christ as he loses His life to gain it in God. No one would pretend to be something to God who is actually with Him. The light of our Father is powerful and doesn’t sit in tales. No one can stand with God teaching about Himself and be something to a mainstream idea. 

No one should ever display a belief that they know God while only living society as reality. The day we hear God’s voice is the same day our reality changes forever. The idealogy of religion pretends to know Him based on nothing but branding and marketing. Carrying around text from thousands of years ago is a red flag we do not believe in God. 

God is a living God. If we carry around text from thousands of years ago, it’s because we don’t hear Him. If we do not hear God, it’s because we’re not walking to Him. He is alive, and with us, we do not know Him because of satan and the devil in human consciousness. We make the body as self and begin creating the story of who we are. We live in families, lineage, traditions, and beliefs. We make the self good and religiously devout to God. The idea is to be the best peosn we can. Ego, satan, and the little person cater to that idea. If we had walked deeper towards Spirit and the invisible world, we would have detoured away from building our thought system in lower mind. 

No one is being raised like John the Baptist with God. We’re being raised in satan at the devils level of life. We come into the world already existing, and no nation is adhering to the Ten Commandments. We made money a second God and live with false idols instead of Angels.

We have no idea of creation, nor do we know what being alive is or reality. We make face-value assumptions because the mind immediately lives for what is tangible and through our senses. The human being isn’t a human being at the level being seen, but no one has eyes to see with or ears to hear with to know more. Being created falls on deaf ears because we have no way to conceive it. We’re being taught to go along with institionalized ideas of God instead of deepening our direct line with Him. We’re tethering the cloth whenever we carry someone else’s ideas of God. No one taught us to know God. They first taught us to know their idea of God. 

When the mind makes reality an idea outside of us, it never weaves a deeper depth for knowing more. It will create every tunnel, valley, and hallway with society as reality. We won’t have eyes to know the world living through us or the illusion. Satan weaves the thought system with millions of tiny snakes, keeping us outside the hallway to God. The world carries everything we could want to know it instead of Heaven on Earth. No one is going to bypass ego in this world. 

Nicodemus was a high priest when Jesus walked the earth. He was a man who had a miracle but denied it. He could have known God but instead cared more about status, fitting in, his peers, and the Roman Empire. When the mind builds the story of self, it has to place self-identity in matter. We believe we are our thoughts, the hairstyle. clothing, title, position, car, neighborhood, traditions, bank account and idea. We haven’t lived with God at any level to know the temporal world or the eternal. We place life in what we see and feel instead of deeper. 

No one is going to become a bishop and leave it for God. They robed themselves for being “someone.” And that someone has to perform for ego and satan to be satisfied. We don’t get second chances when we build castles in satan. The ego and satan are brothers who complement each other. One works for the other constantly. The life of the bishop is rudimentary and dogmatic. It’s based on mainstream living with deeper ideas that the walk they are on is the opposite of society. They claim chastity and sacrifice worldly goods, believing they achieved something by doing so. The friar is the next step deeper to the worshipper of God. We’ve created branding for every idea of God. 

No religion can exist without the hierarchy of its institution, proclaiming decree with God. The Roman Empire persecuted many people who said the hierarchy of religion was liars and cheats. Martin Luther battled the Vatican years before its idea was placed. Most religions have fought relentlessly to be something to God while not hearing Him or knowing Him. They thought they had faith, but it was the devil’s eyes spurring them on. The walk of the religious person is satan because it’s society’s place and not Heaven. Its lower mind is trying to be something to God instead of taking the deeper walk out of this skin to light. 

Everyone in religion has based their choices on what they believe others see of them. We don’t know God deeper than the preacher or rabbi. Everyone is the same and feels like they know God very well. Most people in religion believe they hear God even though obviously they don’t. They hear satans wishing. If anyone heard God, they would be making history, but that’s not happening.

The phenomenon of so many people telling the world they know God and hear God is out of religion, pretending it has a place with God. Two thousand years ago, the highest levels of religion crucified God’s Son. The consequence was exactly what religion is. The ghost whisperers tell each other they know God while no one can hear His voice. In every religious hallway, people believe they carry a place with God. They believe it because they designed it and want to believe it. No one becomes a cardinal or historian rabbi unless they make it be something to ego. 

We’re marking ego and designing how to fulfill it while telling the world we live with God and know Him well. The imagining of religion is the teacher of satan. Judaism was at the devil’s level two thousand years ago, only building ideas in satan. They were living under the Roman Empire and had been persecuted many times. During the diaspora in 70 CE, after the second temple fell and people went to Babylonia, we idealized how to shape unity with God. No one was hearing him or knew Him. Sages and teachers rallied for matter identification. No one knew about creation or God’s existence. Out of fear, we made anything we could be with God. The idea was to show other people He was with us so they would be afraid and not harm us. 

We wanted power and knew that by association with God, we could yield it. No one cared about the Truth or being a false idol. We wanted power, and ego placed a path in satan for it. Judaism carried satan at the start and never woke up. It made its own ideology from practices, protocols, and power. No one carried 613 Mitzvots from Moses but rabbis who thought they were doing something for God. They stood in lower mind, not understanding life or God. 

Moses gave the Ten Commandments, not 613 Mitzvots. He lived in survival, not writing anything down or conveying ideologies for Judaism. Religion didn’t exist with stature. It was more of the flim-flam man trying to be something instead of a divine calling. People constantly proclaimed they were with God for food, shelter, and privilege. No one cared about anything deeper than society as reality and self as the body. The light humanity carried was with little knowing of life. 



knowing of God that cannot live in conversation with Him. The hierarchy in religion doesn’t hear God. The pope, bishop, cardinal, priests, rabbi, and imam never walked to God. They stayed in satan at the devil’s level, robeing themselves in status instead of losing their lives to gain them in God. They stand in mainstream ideas part of a cookie-cutter branding and marketing for power. Religion beginning is from empires and kings, not Moses or the Apostles. 

Jesus knew that Peter Simon would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed. God knew when the highest levels of religion killed His Son, we would suffer greatly, making false idols legitimate ideas with God. 

God places people in the world to change life towards Him. He doesn’t live in religion or try to have a congregation. He wants the individual to know Him. 

We’ve been satisfied with religion living under someone else’s ideas of God instead of building muscle for Him.  We have a direct line to God but deny it. We deny God regularly by leaving His light for rabbis and preachers. The false idols in the twenty-first century are the bishop, preacher, rabbi, imam, cardinal, and pope. None hear God’s voice, but all claim to know Him based upon an institutional idea of Him. 

We claim to know God while not knowing creation or even our depth in life. Religion is carrying someone else’s story from thousands of years ago. The very ones teaching to know God never walked to Him themselves. They study scripture and work within ideologies without losing their lives to gain them in God. 

Two thousand years ago, when the highest levels of religion crucified God’s Son, the consequence was everything we have become. No nation on earth adheres to the Ten Commandments; we make money a second God and live for religions instead of knowing God ourselves.

No one in any religion can hear God’s voice. We learn to want acceptance by the preachers and rabbis. Every empire and ruler, including Constantine, claimed God, just as David and Solomon did. The 14th-century Pharoah Akhenaten also claimed God and went from a polytheistic culture to a monotheistic knowing. While placing oneself with God is human nature, actually hearing Him and living with God teaching about Himself is rare.

No one can design their living with God. When we do its satan trying to please ego. surrendering to God is the walk. We have to break away from this world to get to Him. If we stay in mainstream ideas, we never leave satan or the devil’s level of life. 

The Soul is Carrying Light

The Soul’s light is beyond the mind’s ideas. The mind is at the little person level trying to satisfy ego and satan. Once we make the body self, we have to build it. We place self-identity in matter trying to place our idea of self as good. Religion satisfies that meaning and attachment we place in matter.

Walking to God means leaving the temporal world for the eternal. It means abandoning mainstream ideas to discover a deeper part of our existence. 

All religions have placed their ideas as knowing God, but not one can talk about creation, God’s existence, or life. They carry what other people lived thousands of years ago instead of walking it themselves. Everyone wants to teach about God, but no one wants to know Him.

No one in any religion is an enlightened master or even understands satan, thinking, and consciousness. People aren’t acquiring light even though they believe they carry decree by having mainstream titles and positions associated to God. The bishop doesn’t live to know God. He lives to know the idea of God in Christianity, just as the rabbi lives to know the idealogy of Judaism. We’re not going to walk to God as long as we walk to churches, synagogues, and temples. 

A deeper calling has to be in our Souls to know God. 

We have a direct line to God and need to use it. The call is to build a better relationship with God over everything else in life. The muscle can only get stronger the more we solely rely on Him. Not ideologies, preachers, or rabbis. 

When we hear God, we begin a deeper walk in life away from society as reality and the body as self. We lose our lives to gain them in Him, unraveling the thought system from matter identification to Spirit identification. It’s walking out of our skin to light when we hear God. He chooses us, and He gives us everything we are of Him. 

God isn’t going to call a human being and not give them depth, substance, and maturity. He teaches creation, life, and His presence. 


Religion lives by mainstream ideas. It’s an institutionalized idea, not an idiosyncratic one. When we are with God, we are beyond the world and beyond what anyone can try to replicate or fathom. 

Religion came from people wanting to know God but not hearing Him. The Apostles lived with God, teaching about Himself. No one else did. The Apostles didn’t start Christianity, Moses didn’t start Judaism, and Muhammad didn’t start Islam. Other people took other individual experiences with God and tried to make it something they could live with. 

Religion has stood through time by empires, not divinity. 

We’re adhering to their ideas of God instead of living with God teaching about Himself. He’s a living God, and we’re denying Him to listen to rabbis and preachers. No one in any religion can live in conversation with God.  God chooses people, and when He does, it makes history. Nothing can make us kings and queens with God. We’re using ego, satan, branding, and marketing to pretend we know Him. 

Holy & Jerusalem

All three major religions try to make Jerusalem holy because they do not live with God teaching about Himself. They place self-identity in matter and try to claim Him but cannot find Him. 

No one who has lived with God knew holy. Moses grew up in Egyptian culture, living polytheistic, and when God spoke to Him at the burning bush, he was monotheistic. His life was arduous, and nothing about him carried holy. He was doing the work of God. 

Holy is the idea of the false idol. Moses and Abraham never knew what was holy; they only knew God’s will and lived it. Holy is for branding and marketing. It doesn’t know depth, substance, or God’s voice. 

We’re making artifacts and land holy because we have no muscle with God. No one can demand God to notice them or hear them.  God exists, but we would rather make Jerusalem exist instead of hearing God.The little person level always works with branding instead of enlightenment. 

No one would care if they were in Indiana or Spain if they heard God’s voice. Only those who don’t know God’s voice try to place self-identity in matter. God is with us, but we shallowly live it. Matter lives at the devil’s level whenever we place meaning and attachment in it because the ego feeds satan to be satisfied. The muscle we need is Soul intelligence with God. 

The depth of our relationship with God comes from the light we carry in our Souls.

Pretending to have artifacts or something Holy with God is the child not knowing He exists Nothing should ever be seen as Holy except hearing God and living with God teaching about Himself. Everything is satan trying to please ego. 

We live to God teaching about Himself – everything else is satan. 

When we place self-identity in matter, we carry it. We are Spirit, and this world is temporal. When we leave the body, every idea we lived fades. Ideas of family, heritage, culture, and life fade forever. The temporal world is matters level, and the eternal is the light of our Soul in God. 

Knowing God is based on depth in the Soul. Not memorizing laws, practices and protocols or going to bible study. 

The world we walk through is the illusory and is the storyboard. The idea of family, heritage, nationalism, and culture live temporal. When we leave the body, those ideas fade.  

Self-Emptying | Kenosis

Ego, satan the little person, keep us seeing the world outside of us instead of living through us. We’re trying to have status, please our peers, and be seen as someone who knows God. The walk with God is the opposite of that. It’s the individual wandering into a deep, dark forest of contemplation for light – who finds it. 

The way of this world has always been satan. It’s filled with ego, face-value assumptions, and self-identity in matter. The thought system is lower mind and only knows life from face-value thinking. We don’t know the invisible world or see God as our mother, father, brother, or sister. The mind made the world live outside of us instead of knowing it was only living through us. 

We placed the body as self instead of knowing Spirit. God of no form and of all form was telling us to live deeper, but we didn’t listen. We made our idea of living for Matter Identification instead of Spirit Identification. Spirit Idenitifcation has principality in light for knowing its power in living. Consciousness is at cause, and matter is the effect. We know more about the invisible light in life –energy, vibrations, and resonance. Heaven’s level is the invisible world of Angels, Celestial light, Conscious Energy, and Spark beings. 

Matter Identification uses the senses and what is tangible for face-value assumptions. We separate ourselves from light. We think differently at matters level than we do with Spirit. We carry lower earthly energy with meaning and attachment at matters level instead of seeing out of Spirit Identification knowing the oneness of life. Knowing Spirit, we know everything we see is a level of energy within our Soul, and the world is an intricate echo of thought.  

Matter Identification needs rivalry, opponents, jealousy, shame, guilt, and competition. The idea of self has to be someone good. The bishop needs to be seen as good. The bishop is living with self-identity in matter. He placed the idea of self for robing. He didn’t walk to lose his life to gain it in God. He walked to be “somebody” so that he could fit into society as reality. The bishop who wanted to make a statement by painting his nails felt the need because he lived the body as a self and only knew society as a reality. He didn’t live for Christ to know light. If we are robing self, we are not disrobing the idea of self. 

Titles, positions, and roles have placed self in matter in lower mind. The ones in the forest lose their lives to gain them in God, exiting everything once believed to be self, life, and God. The mind has to change from Matter Identification to Spirit Identification. 


We live in self-chatter, only hearing our narrative. The human mind is an instrument, not who we are. We are not our thoughts. Thought is created light. The word created the world. We came into a world already existing, and the library was here. God gave humanity the gift of matter. 

He created us in His likeness, and God is consciousness living as resonance. We are not the body; we are the conscious energy inside of the body. God is hundreds of billions of years alive and gave matter as a gift for our knowing Him. We’re living for eternity, losing everything other than Love for Love.

We walk in a story experiencing this one level of consciousness. We only hear our narrative and know our narrative as life. The idea is to awaken for knowing that and to continue diving deeper into contemplation for who is thinking, Spirit and God. 

The mind lives incessantly thinking, jumping from one thought to the next. We cannot be aware of thought until something deeper in us triggers. No one is observing thought, pausing thought or carrying depth to outrun it. Jesus gave us the way to carry Love for having more light with us. 

Since birth, we have shaped the idea of self based on how we believed others saw us.

When we hear God, it is the first time we hear someone else. Until then, it’s the echo of life. 

Hearing God

We don’t design what living with God is, then fulfill it,  and believe we know God because we did.

The day we hear God, our lives change forever. No one is going to hear God and become a preacher. The preacher is the little person who isn’t losing his life to gain it in God. Living with God rips apart our lives and changes everything we carry as reality, family, and friends. Society as reality falls away for Heaven on earth. Living with God is our awakening from satan to light. 

Hear God's Voice

God was healing my light from a traumatic childhood experience.
Once it was seen, He said, “Follow.” And His Angels said He loves you, happy, happy, happy.
It was lifted in a blink of an eye, and I was healed of it.  

Religion Began From Those Who Did not Hear God

The Apostles didn’t start religion, and neither did Moses or Abraham. The Apostles were mostly uneducated fishermen; when Jesus called them over to Him, they lived only His will. The Apostles lived with God, teaching about Himself, and everyone else claiming to know God or be part of a religion never did. When Christ rose three days later, and the Apostles wanted to spread His word, society was already a reality, everyone was adhering to the Roman Empire, and money was a second God. 

No one would learn to treat God like a living God and live to Him teaching about Himself. It became servitude to the institution instead of surrendering to God. We don’t know God because everyone around us believes we do. Satan was living before Judaism killed God’s Son. Human consciousness has been in lower mind. 

Moses and Abraham lived with God teaching about Himself. They lived an individual experience. No one else lived that depth with God or could. Only the observer is in the light. Everyone else is a level of energy within their Soul, playing a part in the story. They are the actors for the movie and the only one starring in the movie is the one hearing God. Everything else is a storyboard placeholder, making it live real. God is our mother, father, brother, and sister. We’ve been created, and we’re living in something consciously evolving to God. We only experience our level of consciousness as the world, and only our narrative lives as life. 

We took the experiences of Moses and the Ten Commandments and butchered them. Judaism wasn’t able to handle Christianity and Islam emerging with a God like theirs. They went to an extreme to be different and wanted to appear to everyone as chosen and special. They fell to satan way before Christ walked the earth—the struggle to know God is what created religion. 

No one can dance for God or control who He moves in or what He does. Religious endeavors fall on deaf ears. They’re not trying to know God; they’re trying to play God. We live the little person’s version, believing the religious hierarchy has something to do with God. The hierarchy in religion is human-made and is a title and position for a human idea. It doesn’t live for depth in God and doesn’t serve the mind. No one is grasping satan, ego, the little person, or the devil in human consciousness that walks in religion. Religion doesn’t stand for Spirit over the body. It’s matters level and is in lower mind living society as reality. 

Knowing God isn’t a passive suggestion. We don’t know God because a religion says we do. We know God because we hear Him, and He is carving our lives into light. The idea that someone claims Jesus Christ as their Savior and now carries God is the devil. Nothing with God is a fragrance of ego. The work with God is outside of this world. We don’t plan it or design it like religion has done. 

The Soul already has the way. God created everything in existence as our personal curriculum. We don’t know our destiny or the twists and turns. We’re acquiring Love for light and for depth. God’s existence already tells us our journey is beyond this world. We’re not going to be an evangelist with God. Interpreting what the Apostles lived was our mistake. The only knowing we needed was that God chose them; they lived His will, not their own, and lived with God teaching about Himself.

The evangelist is postulating under an institution and living their idea of living with God. It’s the little person trying to be something to God instead of losing their lives to gain them in God. The walk with God is solo and does not exist with favor from family, friends, or community. We go beyond everyone’s ideas of God as we acquire depth in Him. The Kumbaya idea isn’t God’s walk. Only the individual is moving through energy.  

Only the individual can know God because only our narrative can shape Him. 

Religion carries itself for power over others believing it has holy attached to it. At no time was it a charitable light of Christ. It has always been a greedy, power-hungry place. Going back to the Pharisees and high priests demanding everyone live as they do or be stoned to the indulgences in Christianity forcing people to pay money in order to relinquish the sins of their loved ones in purgatory. The walk with religion has lived totalitarian with laws, practices, and protocols. Someone is believing they know God better than someone else, and that’s not just a mistake. It’s satan eating us alive. The rule with God is humble and solo. 

The mind of the religious practitioner is satan. The mind places the self as good, viable, and knowing of God. We’re living in a story of believing other people see us as holy, as the ego tells us we are. We all want favor from God and design what our work with Him is. Some want to be humanitarians; others want to be quiet in a dark forest for twenty years, and others want to be on street corners preaching. We copy anything we can to feel like Christ and walk as holy as possible. We believe we stepped out of satan and the devil in human consciousness because ego swears we have.

The mind doesn’t tell us it’s ego or satan. We have grown accustomed to both as part of self. It’s now a seamless thought that feels good. We don’t know anything about who is thinking, where thought comes from, or what we should be living with God because religions satan placed measures on humanity for only doing what it does. No one is enlightened, and no one hears God’s voice.

We only feel like we know God because the rabbi and preacher tell us THEY do. 

The mind is a peculiar vortex of imprints. We take in billions of bits of data every second but only retain a few hundred thousand. The idealogy and the fragrance of acceptance, intelligence, righteousness, and morals reach for anything in life to solidify we are them. We strive to be seen as “a someone” in good standing. The branding needed is based on ego and satan. 

The bishop is in a lower mind, not living for God. The mind long ago made self into something that needed to be good. We don’t place God above all things in childhood, and we won’t. We’re born into a religion and place its ideology first. No one is trusting that God knows us and is with us. If we believed more in God, we wouldn’t carry the yearnings that religion satisfies. Our satan is the little person not developing muscle for God. We live under rabbis, imams, and preachers and have for thousands of years. 

Believing in God requires no one to think we know God or an ideology. We haven’t lived for depth in God. We’ve been standing in shallow water, telling everyone we’re in the abyss. We have clothes that look religious, costumes, and artifacts. We make rituals, traditions, and human precepts mean something. We’ve lost eyes to know God because we fill our eyes with human ideas. The soul has a deeper walk, and no one else knows it, but we don’t see it. We deflect the walk with God for an easier idea in satan. 

Moses and Abraham lived their lives without praying to or worshipping God. They didn’t know Him. The idea that worship is the cloth with God is humanity dismissing the fact that He created us and our light is already with Him, whether the mind knows it or not. The Soul is in Heaven, giving the Spirit the way to live in matter. God is already with us, but our depth is so weak and shallow that we only live satan’s ideas for pleasing society as reality and the concept of self. 

The individual is here to walk out of their skin into light, which requires losing our lives to gain them to God. This isn’t martyrism; it’s the dissolving of self for Love. The walk is separating from matters reality and changing our thought system for Heaven’s thought system. 

There are enormous psychological changes, and they are lived only by God. We won’t walk on a pilgrimage or do a twenty-one-day course and change our thought system. If we isolate ourselves to only our ideas of God, we lose even more with Him. God isn’t going to adhere to our rules and ways. We’ve been designing anything we can to feel like we know God instead of surrendering to Him, knowing He knows us better than we know ourselves. 

The beginnings of religion had no astute knowledge of God. They had other people’s experiences and tried to worship God into being with them, but it didn’t work. We have false idols and blasphemy instead. No one can claim God or design an idea of Him and believe it so. God is a bit of a rebel in our world and tends to teach with what no one is ready for. 

Religion has been a political force rather than knowing God. No one in religion is living with enlightenment. They’re claiming to know God while not knowing anything about creation, human life, or death. They don’t understand anything but what science and human education deliver. They are the charlatan pretending to have power.

The light for a human being with God is outside of the world. 

The one with God knows Angels, Celestial Light, Conscious Energy, Spark Beings, and other races of Heaven. Nothing in this world can deliver knowledge like God. In 1 AD, they had no idea satellites, airplanes, or phones would exist. Genesis gave to that period in human consciousness. In the twenty-first century, we carry more words and ideas than they did. God is a living God who gives to every level of human consciousness. We’re not staying stuck in BCE. 

Religion pretending to know God carries scripture from thousands of years ago because no one can hear God. It’s standing for its existence. The individual chooses to walk to God or a religion. Even the Mormons fell to satan. Anyone living under another human being’s idea of God is satan. God exists, and we either live to God teaching about Himself or we live with satan in some concept of God. 

Both Judaism and Christianity lived under the Roman Empire. Christianity moved more with the Byzantine Empire and the ruler Constantine. Nationalism is a way of theocracy because anyone born in the country is placed without choice in that country’s religion. Most empires took over neighboring lands and continued spreading. Whoever the ruler was at that time, and their religion was how the conquered lands would then live. 

Ideologies about God are powerful, and anyone who can convey a convincing idea can live with power and branding. Human civilization has developed from ancient to modern ideas of God. We have walked through polytheistic hypotheses for definitive living with God and knowing He created everything in existence. 

The institution won’t have a place with God. We have over four thousand religions with false idols claiming Him. Some have become very powerful but don’t carry God. We are denying God’s existence, believing a religion is sound. 

Going back to the Sumerians and Mesopotamia, we have always been seeking knowledge and wisdom. The individual requires depth to depart this world for it.

God Was With Us from the Beginning 

God didn’t just begin living during Moses’ life. We don’t live to know God’s light in the past. We’re focused on the major religions and their ideas. Human consciousness shifted, and the idea of God was placed differently. Knowing God in earlier times has been sketchy because human consciousness was moving through polytheistic ideas and no God. 

In the 14th century, the Pharoah Ahkenaten had a light with God to leave a polytheistic culture as a ruler for a monotheistic belief. He went outside the Amun priesthood and beyond everything of that time. As a Pharoah, he was responsible for upholding the culture, but Akhenaten dissolved it for his monotheistic idea of God, which he called Aten and was the Sun.  

We don’t consider human recordings of events, experiences, and interpretations wrong or that they live with agendas and purposes to sway and dissolve opinions. The influencers of the past were the sages, scribes, and dream tellers. King Herod and Nebachanazeer relied on dream tellers, as did the Pharoah Sesostris of Egypt, who appointed Joseph, the dream teller, as his equal. 

The receiver’s mind either accepts data or denies it. The decider is from ego. We don’t live with deep inner inquisitions trying to self-empty childhood education. We grew up being taught everything we believe today, yet no one questions it. Socrates fell on deaf ears. We haven’t lived in any practice for not believing professors with authority and credibility.

Anyone with fame or good branding, such as being a scientist, writing books, a professor, a bishop, or a government association, gets a free pass as legitimate and credible. We’re not trying to outdo the professor. We’re learning from him and submitting our ideas to believe his. 

The right-minded way is to know that only one of us is here with God, living through many images to awaken. The world has lived for raising us and there comes a time for leaving it behind. 

Moses’ life was a different time in human history and consciousness. No one can know the Truth. We surmise and place scribes with purpose. Maimonides and Rashi didn’t live hearing God. They didn’t know Him. They carried ideas for Judaism and taught them. We’re confusing ourselves with knowing God.

We don’t know God because we feel like we do or because other people believe we do. We’re moving with ego and satan in lower earthly energy trying to be “a someone” to family and community. We never knew creation and have no magnitude of God. We’re measuring God with false idols, family traditions, and protocols.  Only one measurement exists, and it’s hearing God’s voice.

Individuals have always moved in different light with God during various periods in human consciousness. When Confucius, Socrates, and Buddha lived within hundreds of years of each other, bringing light to human ideas, we quickly covered it up for a rudimentary idea. Confucius was born in the Chinese province of Lu in the 6th century BCE, and Siddhartha Gautama was also born in the 6th century BCE in Lumbini, Nepal. Moses was born in the late 14th century BCE. The period of Moses is traditionally 1300-1200 BCE. Buddha’s period is around 563-483 BCE. There is a gap of about 800 years between them.

Every human being is living to know God, and the mind won’t discern that path. The Soul does. The mind has a lot of work to live through ego, satan, the little person, and the devil in human consciousness. We’re not going to design what living with God is and fulfill it and then believe we actually know Him because we did it. It’s satan.

Knowing God is the change in our lives that destroys everything we once lived as reality, self, and life. Living God’s will isn’t ours. We won’t live our dreams, how we want, or what we want. No one makes it to God without making history. He’s choosing us–we’re not dancing for Him. 

The individual leaves this world for Him through depth, substance, and maturity. We’re consciously evolving out of ego and satan by His light. The way isn’t in the world it’s in the Soul, and we’re already walking it. The door to God is Christ because Love is our answer.