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How to Forgive

Love is the breath of life.

Forgiving is the opening for Love. Every time we’re forgiving, we’re removing darker earthly energy for light. Knowing more about creation helps us understand why forgiving is the light for us. Everyone we see is a level of energy within our Soul. We’re living through everything other than Love to Love, going deeper in Christ.

In life, we accumulate lower earthly energy by living through ego, the little person, and satan. When something terrible happens in our lives, we hold onto the energy instead of forgiving and live with the absence of Love. Forgiving is a lifelong blessing. It’s what removes us from the cross. 

The mind only thinks in its narrative and sometimes we miss other parts of the story. We’re thinking out of energy we’re carrying and when we live with suffering the energy we think out of is dark. We want to live Love as our breath of life.

Below are some beautiful mantras for forgiving and releasing darkness for light.

Every thought is all we live. It’s better to create a mind that can observe and let go. We live in self-chatter listening to our narrative. We never live outside of our perspective. When we understand each thought is making life we know why living Love is imperative for Heaven. We want to forgive and release pain energy. Love is the breath of life.

The process for that is with God but the below can help.
1. Find something to be grateful for
2. Change the light of the experiences for knowing there is more here we do not see. Our minds cannot tell us the truth of everything it can only tell us our perspective. Opening ourselves for knowing what is beyond our eyes and deeper in our heart is the way. We want to carry what absorbs perspective and filters light into it for Love. 
3. There is no self-love. There is only selfless Love. Self-love is the little person not knowing I AM. 

We don’t have to be right, wrong, justified, guilty, shameful, angered, or crucified. More is living beyond what we see…and with God, we will experience it. Let God define your eyes and carry substance for hearing Him. It’s a thought living out of energy that hasn’t had light to process for living differently.

Mantras and dhikrs are a way of shaping space and narrowing down ideas. They place a single word or phrase with us. When we narrow down thoughts, we create more space. We observe and control what we think to keep Love in all things. The bridge in mantras ends incessant thinking and opens being present to every thought as life.

Here are some mantras to live relentlessly.

1. I am Love, I am Light, I am the Love that all life lives through.
2. I am God 
3. I am peace and I am with God.

Saying mantras a million times is too little. It carries higher light when the heart warms it. 


Forgiveness opens Heaven for taking us off the cross and restores our energy to its divine right order. The person who suffers in holding anger or upset is the one carrying it. Learning to let go of pain is essential for light. One knows the pain is leaving when we think of Love over it.

Forgiveness is a practice that isn’t about what was done to us. It’s for letting go the dark for light. It’s our blessing to live free from pain. The level of releasing what is experienced in thought can only be released in thought. We must change how we live it in our mind. Here is a practice.

Think of someone or a group of people in your life that you felt suffering, angry, or upset with. Say the below, and a million times every day is too little. Only send that person or people Love. It’s imperative we do this with discipline because the reward is Heaven, as we’ve never felt before.

See a pitcher of water being poured over the persons feet and say in your mind or out loud “I wash the feet of Jenny and I beg for mercy and forgiveness. I am so sorry if I harmed you in thought or actions. I Love you. I am Love, I am the Love all life live’s through.” (Repeat this phrase as many times as you can staying present to saying it.)

Forgiveness is part of breathing. It’s the arc of the mind carrying more for what is beyond our perspective. The eyes and ears have only known lower eartly energy. The more we accept light, the deeper we begin to see. 

As we let go and let God guide we open a higher level of our Soul. There is much more life in us, and as we clear the clutter and remove the pain, the light within shines brighter.