Living with Other Races
We walk through a world of light but only see what is at our level of consciousness. We don’t see the other levels with us until we acquire depth and substance.
Our idea of reality has been face-value thinking. We live through our senses, and what is tangible without knowing thought is at cause, and matter is the effect. Matter is nothingness only existing in consciousness. We haven’t understood God’s existence for knowing what human is and isn’t. Our idea of human is a fallacy. Being created by intelligence hundreds of billions of years alive already told us our idea of human was what we could muster up at this level of consciousness and not the Truth. The ideas exist in the lower mind, not knowing the advanced level of life we live as.
Human consciousness is a variance in God’s light. He shaped our existence with other levels of light in Him so that Heaven could give human existence in matter. Matter is the gift God gives to humanity for knowing our existence. We wouldn’t be able to understand more if not for every story in matter that we live. We’re experiencing one level of consciousness out of an infinite idealizing what humans is. In another two thousand years, we’ll have another perspective for what human is.
What is light?
Light is a variance of intelligence. They move in motions we cannot detect. The word of the invisible is God’s unseen masterpiece. No one can see human photosynthesis, but we experience it every moment we are in matter.
It sits deeper in our light, giving us the way to walk the earth in matter. It’s completing our eyes and ears for this level of consciousness. It’s resonance. God is hundreds of billions of years alive and doesn’t need oxygen or a body. He is of no form and of all form. He is consciousness living as resonance. He gave living energy the way to know itself.
Light is out of His ideas. He placed Heaven on Earth for consciousness to move in matter. We’re living in human photosynthesis with hundreds of trillions and trillions of other life at quantum levels. The fabric of the world is Conscious Energy with a capital “C” and “E.” What we see in these videos carries other races’ forms, and in a few, it is their level only giving what CAN be seen. It’s substance being shown, so we know they are there. We wouldn’t have eyes to see them without something being shown. The invisible world exists, and it’s not only because it can be quantum but because consciousness can only experience the level it lives from. We cannot see what is at other levels until we acquire more substance and depth. It doesn’t come from human education and isn’t considered intelligence by mainstream standards, but it is beyond all ideas of education and is Soul intelligence. Soul intelligence is our birthright and is a bigger blend of light only existing at Heaven’s level.
Another Race
While filming the moon and Jupiter more life was found. Shot in Los Angeles. October and November 2024.
No Bodies
Some don’t have facial features or bodies. They can exist in ways we don’t imagine, like objects and shapes, and can be transparent.
Snow Squid
Snow Squid is plasma in our atmosphere and is a race of Heaven that can communicate. This was filmed in Saint Louis, MO.
Los Angeles
Other races give us light for depth and expanding ideas. They lead us to depths we wouldn’t carry without experiencing their light.
Another Life w/Snow Squid
We see it dart out from the middle of the screen as Snow Squid enters.
Los Angeles
Levels show themselves in many ways for our eyes to know more is here.
Los Angeles
Beautiful placement for consciously evolving..
Silently & Transparent
Life moves beyond our eyes and outside of our ideas on purpose. We are not learning to move outside of mainstream concepts.
Los Angeles
Levels show themselves in many ways for our eyes to know more is here.
Los Angeles
We’re not living to see more. We only want to see what livingness idealizes as more.
Living Through Matter
They can live transparently and through walls all matter.
Los Angeles
The bodies can be our idea of a craft.
Saint Louis
Knowing God is for opening deeper ideas of life.
God created us in His Likeness
The world is resonance. God of no form and of all form told us this. At the smallest particle, that motion is resonance. Conscious Energy is a living race of Heaven and is the mass, force, velocity, temperature, and levity in all matter. We’re not the body; we’re the conscious energy inside of the body. The body is like a suit of clothes we put on and take off in every life.
Angel’s Voice
The world carries light. We don’t always hear or know it, but it’s here. This is from a video shot in NY. Right after we hear “Nice,” the Angel speaks on top of everyone else and says, “You’re so beautiful.”