Celestial History & Creation
The world of matter is frequencies and resonance.
The light is other races living in multiple
layers of intelligence.
Nothing is as it seems.
The more we can understand about being created the more we know we’re living in something. When God created the Heavens, He did it for conscious energy to live in matter from anyone level of consciousness. he created layers and layers of light for human photosynthesis to place ideas in matter. The ideas are pieces of created light. The word created the world. Consciousness is all that is alive.
We come into a world already existing, and there is a story already living when we arrive. We are already knowing the environment while only living as plasma. We arrive, entering a world that is familiar and living perfectly for us to accept.
When we came, there was already a library placed, and in this library, we have stories for this one level of consciousness. It’s an illusion out of its own making. There is only one of us here with God experiencing an echo that travels in all things. This level of consciousness came with a Celestial History. Celestial History is an idea in consciousness that is not actually living or lived but exists as part of the present story. We’re walking into a complete level of consciousness. It has a Celestial History, present and future.
The level of consciousness we arrive in is one out of an infinite. It will be the level of consciousness the world sits at until we leave for new life.

God carries light in the Soul. The self-chattering mind is satan.
We’re walking out of this skin
into the light.
What we don’t see gives us the way to know life is there.
Celestial History and Creation
God shaped our existence so we can consciously evolve beyond what we come into. The world we come into is a storyboard with many ideas, giving thought the way to be born and change. Nothing here is meant to be concrete, but it has become that. We’re not awakening to know more. The world isn’t as it seems, but it does live very real. The walk in a world that has more existing that we don’t see than we do is our world.
We end up living society as reality and placing self-identity in matter. Once we do that, our mind changes for lower earthly energy, and we only accumulate lower ideas. Self-identity in matter builds a story that forms ego and satan to defend it. We have to be “a somebody” that is good to ego. The world becomes the drawing board for the ego to win. It’s the art of being asleep while feeling awake, feeding something to feel like something. We don’t walk to higher ground. We stay where we are, mastering how to make the ego better.
The eyes and ears change to lower mind. We live building how self should exist comparing society’s idea of success to who we are. We want what is tangible and through our senses instead of another depth. No one is trying to open the Soul for enlightenment or another world. We’re walking in this one, moving to a mainstream concept for feeling like “a someone” and acceptance. Nothing here will show us more doors to the bigger world unless we’re ready. And no life will appear out of the ordinary when mainstream walking is all we know. The mind is building a story that only we can live, and nothing else can take us outside of it. Only our thoughts move this world.
The thought we have isn’t who we are. It’s a carrier and nothing more. Light is what we are. We are acquiring Love for existing with depth in God. The light we acquire is through the Soul and not the mind. The mind is considered satan’s territory because we have millions of tiny snakes placing anxiety, worry, ego, jealousy, resentment, competition, fear, anger, and sin. Once we make the body self, we have to defend the idea of self. Every thought that categorizes itself as “who we are” is ego.
When we think of a story from the past or future, it’s with an idea of self as the main character. We’re carrying ideas of who we want to be and what we want others to see us as – as the right idea of self. We’ve been building this idea of self since childhood, and it has to be good, successful, and intelligent to our idea of self. We never try to be awful and only cater to what everyone believes is good.
The making of the individual’s consciousness is solely by our Soul. We’re a blend of light, and that light has more levels of intelligence than just the idea of one light. We’re a variance in God and have been created from other races in His light. The term other races is from each strand of light living at its own level of consciousness and existing outside of the others.
Living as a variance in God is with other levels of His energy. We’re an idea in the mind of God, and everything we think is an idea in our mind. God created us out of hundreds of trillions and trillions of self-organizing energy. As we age, we carry more levels of light with us to shape thinking. We don’t stay thinking like seven-year-olds when we are twenty-five, and the change in our thought system for aging is outside of us.
We’ve been sleeping since Adam and Eve, wandering around the planet with ideas that turn us “into something” and the world “into something,” but that something is an illusion. It’s what we could muster up as thought and apply in matter. No one told us that only one of us was here with God, so the mind measured, calculated, and assumed it knew its surroundings. It began from a baby’s perspective, assuming who Mom and Dad were. We had no idea God existed when we were babies, and we weren’t raised like John the Baptist with God teaching about Himself.
Human education has created intelligence measurements, but no one knew how matter existed. Without knowing what reality is and isn’t, we shaped intelligence for a world in which people consider their own ideas real. We haven’t lived awake yet knowing anything about what being human is or who God is. Religion won’t come near Him because of satan and only walks the devil’s level of life. The great awakening everyone waits for is within every individual and solely upon the individual to walk.
No one can live outside of their narrative, and no one can decide who God is or isn’t. Only the individual can carry the idea of Him. Living society as reality keeps us living within its walls, and nothing goes beyond it. We’re not living like Mesopotamia days. Earlier in human history, people lived to know more. They had an inner inquisition much bigger than what we carry today. Human beings today go along with the world. Back then, we lived unraveling it. The idea that we live in human education and now have all the answers is ignorance from never knowing God or creation.
We became a young idea of our own existence. And placed money as a second God with rudimentary and dogmatic systems of reality that don’t go anywhere. Nothing we carry can speak to being on a planet in space with hundreds of trillions and trillions of elements, all living individually in their own light and perfectly together. Whether in the air, sky, water, earth. or part of the idea of a galaxy. We came into the world already existing and grabbed the closest smallest book we could to write our story in. No one blinked an eye that they were on a planet or cared. Nothing in our world is awake. We are only conscious of our thoughts and do not acquire more light. No one is living to be enlightened or know God.
Once we are in a religion, we only live for the idea of God that everyone else accepts. No one here is walking what Abraham or Moses did. We walk what the Pharisees and high priests did. We’re asleep and only abiding by mainstream beliefs and ideologies. No one wants to be ostracized like Muhammed was or lose their lives to gain them in God, which isn’t martyrism. Losing our lives to gain them in God is walking out of the skin for light. It’s beyond kenosis and self-emptying ideas we want to self-empty.
We carry ideas of worldly goods, chastity, and pilgrimages and then fulfill our idea of it. That has nothing to do with Celestial kenosis. Human kenosis is planned, shaped, and designed by us. Celestial Kenosis is Heaven’s making. The making of light won’t come from our doing. We don’t know it. We’re not living in light because we pray to God or worship Him. The idle parishioner that chose the church chose the devil instead of their Soul in God. We carry more for self-identity in the matter than for a meaningless venture out of it.
Nothing in this world that is deemed religious has anything to do with God. It’s human ideas, and they don’t come near Him. We made them what they are and carry the branding and marketing along with our self-identity in them. No one in any religion can hear God’s voice, and if they did, they would be making history outside of anything the world has ever seen. Nothing places God in this world but God. No one can dance or invoke His light on them, memorize laws, or study scripture. We don’t walk to God when something in matter has to be sequestered for it to live. What we don’t see and can’t touch has the power.
The world of matter is satans because we place meaning and attachment to it and must live by it then. No one knows Spirit or walks for the eternal light of their existence. We only want what we can see in the mirror, and that is the costume the mind created. Our Truth is the divine light within. We are not the body; we are the conscious energy inside of the body. The body is like a suit of clothes we put on and take off in every life.
What is human?
The idea of human is far beyond our idea of it. We live as a deeper level in God that is formless having the chance to live in form, moving in and out of it for eternity in the light of human consciousness. The gift God gave humanity is matter. We’re living for eternity, experiencing matter from different levels of consciousness. The world we see at matters level is resonance living as energy.
God is hundreds of billions of years alive, and in 1AD, the words atom, algorithm, molecule, cells, and contemplating how blood knew it would be inside the vein didn’t exist. We’re blended with more light, and consciousness is living deeper with other races of intelligence as our silent partners for living in matter. We’re a blend of more than one strand and a variance in God carrying more intelligence than the idea of “self.” Light doesn’t capsulate itself in one level of being. It is part of the whole, living as a whole.
Nothing resembles our existence that we know. Fractals won’t build it, and bits go nowhere near it. The mind is a squiggly mess of nothing more than air and water, with resonance making a frequency. We’re radiating beyond what would be safe to our level of consciousness and have traveled from distances hundreds of light years away. The speck of dust we claim as self is nothing more than an algorithm moving within God’s light to know Love.
We need to know more about God. We travel in thoughts we do not control, observe, or change. The incessant thinking we know as ideas is a motor board of stories constantly moving them around. Human beings live incessantly, jumping from one thought to the next. We don’t pause our thoughts or control them. The library we came into is the controller. It’s our present level of consciousness. We’re waiting for more light, but it doesn’t arrive. The only way to acquire it is by acquiring substance and depth. Without substance, we have no depth to question where thought comes from and who is thinking.
Assuming we are our thoughts is Satan’s agent. We are not our thoughts and have no connection with them once we leave the body. Everything in this world is temporal. The mind makes the world through our senses as an idea, and we believe it because we have no way to know otherwise. The storyteller keeps us busy from sun up to sundown, walking in stories of self. No one is questioning creation’s level to know that thought is created light and that the world of matter is not living. The world is like a movie stage that’s been set with ideas for moving through.
We are imprinting upon energy matters level from our level of consciousness. Matter is a nothingness only existing in consciousness. We see buildings, cars, and trees, but what is here is resonance. If we saw creation’s level of life, we would only see grids of energy crisscrossing for as far as the eye could see. No one can see what is formless while carrying matter. We all know Spirit more as we ascend to Heaven. Spirit is our Truth, and matter is the temporal costume we design for moving through consciousness to Love. It’s a thought and only a thought we live through. Consciousness is all that is alive.
The more we place self-identity in matter, the deeper in satan we live. No one is walking toward God in costumes. We lose our lives to gain them in God for depth.
Celestial History
When Sodom was a city of sin, human consciousness was in low earthly energy. Two thousand years later, we have marveled at our own existence, placing human education as a knowing instead of knowing it as a fairytale. No one in 1AD knew microwaves, satellites, ice cream, computers, airplanes, stop signs, or cars would exist. They had never heard the word atom or hydrogen. Heart transplants had no idealization within human consciousness for conceiving. What was considered real, true, and factual never held any measurement for anything but that one level of consciousness, which was one level of consciousness out of an infinite. It was a dream that came and went. Now we live in the twenty-first century, dreaming of more.
The ideas we have come from something. We were born into a world that already knew our destiny. Living as a created being means we are living “in something” and being raised. The world around us can only be conceived with words we have been given. Our vocabulary is part of the library we came into. No one can jump planets to stories that live in other galaxies. We idealize our perception of Earth.
The mountain we are climbing is to undo what we assumed. It’s to unravel human education, family ideas, and mainstream ones. The eyes we carry have been placed with filters from ego and satan. We don’t have a lens that can see well. We’re walking the earth catering to ego and satan. The veil covering our eyes has to be removed but that only happens when we lose our lives to gain them in God. We have to disrobe and lose the idea of self for Spirit.
The work we need isn’t in scripture. It’s deeper into the Soul and outside the mainstream ideologies. We’re not here to preach about God or live with wealth. We’re walking in a story intended to be unwound. Every human being’s purpose is to know God, whether we believe in Him or not. We came into the world already existing and had no say about that. And we have no say about the aging process. We automatically age whether we want to or not.
Nothing here is ours; it’s His. We make a path to new land through winding valleys, streams, and rocks. No one is aware that only their narrative exists as life. We cannot judge our existence until we hear God’s voice. Until then, we compromise everything in life for ego and satan. The incessant thinking of the mind keeps us living in self-chatter. No one escapes it until they leave satan and the lower earthly energy carrying darker ideas.
When we made money a second God, we placed it in everything we could for control and power, and by doing so, we lost the path to light. The world of magic doesn’t exist, but the world of knowing does. Magic is the trickery we want to make something easy. Knowing is the journey that carves the Soul into the light. It takes substance, depth, and years to build. The accumulative level isn’t as we deem. It’s beyond our eyes and ears and in other light of our existence.
The Soul never touches the earth, but the Spirit does. The Soul is in Heaven, giving the Spirit the way to live in matter. The Soul could be seen like the Sun, and the Sun’s rays could be seen like the Spirit. Its effervescent light changes every time we live in matter from a different level of consciousness. The world we see is a storyboard of ideas only existing to carve light with.
We came into life, not by choice. The idea of dharma is null. Every human being walks the earth to know God, whether they believe in Him or not. Eventually, something more happens for us to know Him. The life continuum is the eternal light consciously evolving beyond all things to Him. We’re not here to be soldiers for God or to proclaim Love like Christ. We are walking out of our skin into light, and the way the heart and mind move in concert for breaking apart into light.
We live with a birthright to know God, and not one religion will ever decide who does or doesn’t. They decide their own walk with the devil, not someone else’s. False idols and blasphemy are the epitome of our culture. The Vatican, not knowing the pope is a false idol, majors in satan. Christianity has a heavy load to live out of its own building for power. No one gave permission to the pope, cardinal, or bishop. They did what they wanted themselves and have carried many awards for doing it. No one can claim God at their little person’s level and make it in life to know God. We’ll never know Him as long as we pretend we already do.
We live to God teaching about Himself because everything else is satan. No one will live with God standing in a religion. There’s no point. When we are with God there isn’t a need for self-identity in matter or idealogies that build Him.
Every human being proclaiming God lives under an institution’s idea of God and measures knowing Him based on it. That’s satan at the devil’s level. Religions don’t want people living beyond them to God. If that were the case they wouldnt exist. We’re not being born to live beyond the institution to God to then turn around and teach the institution about God. We only live under it.
The world isn’t living outside of us as we perceive it. It’s only living through us. There is no place where we begin and another ends. Life is through human photosynthesis, and only resonance exists. The temporal facade of a world fades in eighty or a hundred years, and everything we mustered up to think was real fades, too. We don’t come back to it, and when we do live the next part, we have a new body, family, and idea of life. What is continuous is consciousness.
The entire idea of life and every element here is a level of energy within our Soul. Family is a level of energy within our Soul. Form changes, but consciousness is continuous. No one can awaken just because they want to. More depth is the awakener for us. When we start the journey to more placing deeper inquisitions and contemplate our existence, we start a new path for walking. The journey to Love is the only one that exists, and the door is Christ. It is the reminder of home.
We contemplate everything outside of what anyone else can live. God shaped our unique light, and only the Soul walks it.
Never will a religion touch God. Creation dictates it. God is the blueprint to life. He created all things, and every human being is His. No human idea is going to separate God from His creation. The preacher is the walker who didn’t live deep enough to reveal a path away from satan. Love for God shaped an idle ideal to be something that could work without walking out of their skin for light. We robe ourselves instead, placing self-identity in matter, trying to be something that lives as someone with God.
The ones who walk with God don’t adorn themselves in costumes with branding and marketing as someone with Him. They don’t know, holy. They walk in arduous living, breaking ideologies with the eternal light of life. There is a raw and organic idea in every human being. No two people know God in the same light because only the one with Him can know Him. And we are all walking in our own stories.
Moses lived with God beyond Aaron, and every Israelite. They were part of his story. Abraham knew God beyond Sara and Lot. The depth the individual carries is the only light. We don’t carry everyone with us, but we do carry the human story. The one with God leaves the world with something few have ever known to exist or live. No one can capture it out of praying, worshiping, or mastering human doctrines. The one with God didn’t plan it and often had nothing to do with it.
Moses grew up in Egyptian culture, worshipping many gods. He was polytheistic until the burning bush. When God spoke to Moses at the burning bush, he became monotheistic, living with the idea of God that was beyond the polytheistic culture he once lived. The one with God is in something deeper, and it’s solely between the individual and God.
The story of the Israelites is the story of that period in human consciousness. No one determines what they come into when they arrive in life. Whatever is here is churning with a story and one we will walk. We will place God in that story until we hear His voice.
When we hear God’s voice, our lives change because we live only His will. We walk out of this life to Heaven’s level to know Him. We lose matter identification for Spirit identification. The mind is shattered and rearranged as the thought system changes for another reality. The walk with God isn’t innocent or filled with darker energy. It is placed within the present level of human consciousness.
Human consciousness is shaping itself through the Love and not Love we live. The idea of Love in the twenty-first century is as low as it was thousands of years ago. We are still greedy, selfish, narcissistic, and in lower mind. The ego is ruling, which only carries lower earthy energy. The ideas of Love are self-love based and satan. Self-love is the epitome of the devil. The child only regurgitates how the world sits for knowing Love. The world is at a matter-level level, and opponents, attack, and defend are part of the measure of Love.
We have many ideas that separate and distinguish good from bad. No one takes the plank out of their eyes before seeing someone else. We idealize other people from childhood beliefs of who is good and bad. The measurements we use today have all been acquired by a child’s idea of life. No one can sift through all of the ideas that lead to another and another. The vortex in our mind has many nuances and elements that derive themselves from the water we no longer drink, but they’ve already made their way into our thought system.
We’re not going to catch every idea that passes. We take in billions of bits of data every second but only retain a few thousand. How did those few thousand get chosen, and what shaped an idea to be chosen? The library and our destiny knew each other. We’ve been created, but we rarely know it.
God chooses people. In satan’s world, everyone chooses God, designs their own decree in Him, and believes they know Him because they fulfilled their ideas of Him.
God’s hallways never give to anyone but those He has placed light with. He is the giver and taker of life. The world of matter is the temporal idea, and the eternal light in God is the ever-lasting light of His.
Religion and God
Nicodemus was a high priest when Jesus walked the earth. He knew that Jesus was the Messiah but had no substance to walk deeper. He was concerned about his status, the Roman Empire, and his peers. He walked in satan and couldn’t cross the bridge to God.
Nicodemus is the light of everyone. We accept satan’s offer instead of losing our lives to gain them in God. No one can have two pilots. When we make matters level our home, we stay there. It’s called the devil level because of that. The bishop will stay the bishop instead of living deeper in Christ. The pope will live for the institution without knowing God. They both placed the body as self instead of learning to know the Spirit, and they walk based on the idea that others are outside of them. Neither heard God’s voice to walk for depth.
The majority of people who claim God have no intention of finding Him. It was what was taught and, for many forced out of society, making it what we should live. Knowing God became the mainstream accepted idea because no one could hear Him. Billions of people believe they have majored in knowing God based on ideologies instead of depth. Not one religious human being is an enlightened master. They don’t know creation but claim they know God while not living deep enough to hear Him. They have no idea what being alive is or how God exists. They walk in satan with mainstream ideas.
Never has any religion increased its knowledge of God. They all carry data from thousands of years ago. The major religions would fight over power if one tried to claim more. No religion will live with greater knowing of God. They won’t capture any light for it. God can effortlessly remove any part of life in the blink of an eye. One story will change for another without us noticing.
The religious way was over before Jesus walked the earth. Two thousand years ago, when the highest levels of religion killed God’s Son, the consequence was satan. No one would have shaped a pope as anything if they carried depth for God. The child chose the costume instead. The way of this world has always been for power. The meek inherit the world from keeping depth with God.
We don’t wear costumes, brand ourselves as holy, or claim a decree in God. It lives because He lives.
The water we drink from tells the story of who is with God and who isn’t. The ideologies that proclaim His light while doing nothing but satan’s work is religion. Idealizing God isn’t what we are here to achieve. We don’t want to think about how Jesus walked and mimic Him. The mind that wants to become something has already lost its way to the dark forest.
We’re watching for the path. It’s hidden and rarely something we would choose. It’s out of the way and sometimes forbidden. It’s the opposite of mainstream. Only the individual knows Christ.