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Who is God?

God is consciousness living as resonance. He is the light all life is in and the blueprint to life. He’s not a religious idea. God is the existence of all, with variances of His light creating other ideas in consciousness. 

God shaped human consciousness out of His energy and placed the word for consciousness to exist. God is hundreds of billions of years alive. His light placed energy for knowing itself at different levels for self-organizing energy to shape human photosynthesis. Human photosynthesis is energy in temperature, placing matter for human consciousness.

God created everything in existence, and only His ideas live as life. We’re an idea in the mind of the God and everything we think is an idea in our mind. 

The Creator doesn’t walk in our reality; He is beyond it. Life is living on many levels, but we only experience our level of consciousness and what is at its level. There is more here. We’re not the body; we’re the conscious energy inside of the body. The body is like a suit of clothes we put on and take off in every life. We’re more advanced than we know. 

We live to be something for society instead of living to know more beyond it. We shape our thought system at matters level instead of knowing Spirit and light. We identify God with religious ideas and false idols because we don’t know the bigger world. We haven’t lived to lose our lives in God. We’re not living for that journey yet. We’re still living in a lower mind with the body as self and society as reality. We don’t know the plethora of other races with us, and it hasn’t sunk in for what hundreds of billions of years alive intelligence actually is toward our being human. 

We’re a thinking species that hasn’t lived for consciously evolving. 

We come into a world already existing. We see cars, trees, and oceans, but there’s only energy here. Matter is a nothingness only existing in consciousness. If we saw creation’s level of life, we would see grids of energy crisscrossing for as far as the eye can see. Human beings are imprinting upon energy matters level from our level of consciousness. 

God is keeping measure of the atom for human consciousness to assign the atom’s purpose and the livingness of the particle. 

Knowing God

Knowing God is when we can hear Him. Until then, it’s satan’s level placing Him. We only know God when we hear His voice. Until that happens, we live in our narrative in self-chatter, shaping ideas of self and society as reality. No one is going to design what living with God is and fulfill it and believe it is so. Very few people in the history of the human race have lived with God teaching about Himself. 

The walk isn’t in the mind. It’s out of the mind and deeper in the Soul. We are a variance of God learning to know it. God doesn’t adhere to the mind’s eye. He knows the Soul”s light. The mind is always twiddling away in a story based on this one level of consciousness. It’s the temporal story. God knows the eternal. 

Consciously Evolving

The Soul’s Journey. We’re living for eternity from everything other than Love to Love, and even though we always carry blessings, there are life experiences that require more light to live through. Becoming Love gives light. 

God gave us a way to carry a thought system to higher levels of the world. He’s placing more light for those who acquire it. As we know God more, Heaven appears. Heaven is other races with us and blended in our light. Angels, Celestial Light, Conscious Energy, and Spark beings are with us. He places HIS light with those He chooses. 

When God moves in us, it is beyond anything else in life. It reminds us we’ve been created, and more is here. His Love is beyond our idea of Love, and His giving to a human being for His depth is rare and a miracle. When He does, it is to change human consciousness for eternity. No one can buy it or process it themselves. More has to be acquired in another level of our existence. 

God’s light opens our eyes to see a world no one else has seen. We live with other races knowing a deeper Truth of being human. Translight, telepathy, and knowing our future are gifts God gives when He does. It isn’t our ability. It is His and our light in Heaven. See how telepathy works here.